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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第105节







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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 105

105. If people set loving themselves and the world as their goal there is no way they can live a life of caring. They do not even know what caring is. Further, they completely fail to grasp the fact that intending and doing good for their neighbor without a goal of being rewarded for it is a heaven inside them-that inherent in this desire there is as great a happiness as heaven's angels have: more than words can convey. This is because selfish and worldly people believe that if they were deprived of the joy they take in their display of prestige and wealth they would no longer have any joy at all, when in fact that would be the beginning of an infinitely transcendent heavenly joy.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 105

105. When selfishness and materialism are our reasons for doing things, we cannot possibly be kind people. We do not even know what kindness is. We have no concept at all that wanting and doing good things for other people — and not just to get something out of it — is heaven in us. We cannot comprehend that there could be as much happiness in the desire to do good things as the angels in heaven have — and the happiness of the angels cannot even be described! We think that if the enjoyment from the prestige of status and wealth were taken away from us, there would be nothing left to enjoy. Actually, that is where heavenly enjoyment first begins — and it is infinitely greater.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 105

105. Those who have self-love and love of the world as their end in view cannot possibly be in a state of charity. They do not even know what charity is; and they totally fail to grasp that willing and doing good to the neighbour without seeking reward makes heaven in a person, and this is an affection that brings happiness as great as that of the angels in heaven, which is past description. For they think that if they are robbed of the joy they get from the glory of possessing honours and wealth, there is no further joy possible. Yet this is when heavenly joy first begins, and this is infinitely greater.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 105

105. They who have the love of self and the world for all end, cannot possibly be in charity. They do not even know what charity is, and cannot comprehend at all that heaven in a man consists in willing and doing good to the neighbour apart from any view to reward; and that as great a felicity is inherent in this affection as belongs to the angels in heaven, which felicity is ineffable. For they believe that should they be deprived of the joyous feeling arising from the glory of places of honour and wealth, no further joy would be left; when yet heavenly joy, which infinitely exceeds [all other joys] only then commences.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 105

105. They who have the love of self and of the world for an end, cannot in any wise be in charity; they do not even know what charity is; and they cannot at all comprehend that to will and do good to the neighbor without reward as an end, is heaven in man, and that there is in that affection a happiness as great as that of the angels of heaven, which is ineffable; for they believe, if they are deprived of the joy from the glory of honors and riches, that nothing of joy can be given them any longer; when yet it is then that heavenly joy first begins, which infinitely transcends the other.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 105 (original Latin 1758)

105. Illi quibus amor sui et (amor) mundi pro fine sunt, nequaquam possunt in charitate esse; ne quidem sciunt quid charitas; et prorsus non comprehendunt quod velle et facere bonum proximo absque fine mercedis sit caelum in homine, et quod illi affectioni insit tanta felicitas quanta est angelorum caeli, quae ineffabilis; nam credunt, si privantur gaudio ex gloria honorum et opum, quod nihil gaudii amplius detur, cum tamen tunc primum incohat gaudium caeleste, quod infinite transcendit.

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