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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第106节












106、天堂分为两个国度,一个称属天国度,另一个称属灵国度。属天国度的爱是爱主,为属天之爱;属灵国度的爱是爱友邻,或仁爱,为属灵之爱 (332536537257900298359961)。关于天堂分为两个国度,参见《天堂和地狱》20-28节。主在天堂的神性展现,就是爱祂和仁爱友邻 (天堂与地狱13-19节)。

除非知道什么是爱主和爱友邻,人不知道什么是良善和真理。因为一切良善来自爱,一切真理来自良善 (72557366)。认识真理,知行合一,心灵感动处皆因真理,这就是仁爱 (38763877)。仁爱是出自内心的渴望去践行真理的教导,而不是没有内在的外在欲望 (242924423776489949568033)。因此仁爱就是做有益之事,因为它有益于人 (70388253)。仁爱是人的属灵生命(7081)。整本圣言是爱和仁爱的教义 (66327262)。如今没有人知道什么是仁爱 (2417339847766632)。然而人的理性之光使人能够感悟到,爱和仁爱使人成为人 (39576273)。此外,良善和真理相互和谐,彼此相属;爱和信也同属一理 (7627)。

主是最高意义上的友邻,因为对祂的爱应该超越万物。任何来自祂且有祂同在的,因而属良善和真理的,都是友邻 (242534196706681968238124)。鉴别人的友邻特性要根据他具有的良善特性,也就是主与他同在的状况 (6707-6710)。每个人,每个社群,国家和教会,以及普遍意义上的主的国度,都是友邻。爱友邻就是出于爱,按照他们的光景而对他们施行良善。因此友邻就是他人的福祉,我们应当念念不忘 (6818-68248123)。

友邻也包括公共良善,即正义和良好的道德,也就是社区里总体的良善生活,它被称为真诚 (291547308120-8122)。爱友邻不在于爱他展现在公众面前的本人,而是爱他内心的动机,也就是他里面的良善和真理 (502810336)。如若爱公众形象的人,而不关心出自内心的动机,就会良莠不分,善恶不辨 (3820)。甚至支持邪恶,结果就会伤害好人,那就不是爱友邻了 (382067038120)。 一个法官惩罚恶人,促使其改恶从善,从而保护良善免受其害,这个法官就是爱友邻 (382081208121)。

爱友邻就是在每项工作中和每个职务上践行良善,公平正直 (8120-8122)。对友邻的仁爱可以扩展至在思考、意愿和行动的每个细节上 (8124)。做良善和正确的事情就是爱友邻 (1031010336)。这样做的人就是爱主,因为主是最高层面上的友邻 (9210)。仁爱的生活就是遵守主的诫命的生活。爱主就是根据神性真理去生活 (1014310153103101057810645)。

真正的仁爱是不求回报的 (20272343240038876388-6393)。因为它来自内在的渴望,追求在践行良善中享受生命的快乐 (2373240038876388-6393)。把信仰与仁爱分开的人,在来世也期盼,因其表面的信仰和所做的善行而积福获报 (2373)。生活邪恶之人爱自己并爱世界,他们不知道何为行善不求回报,也不知道施行仁爱与他人而不求奖赏的意义 (8037)。

古教会的教义是生活的教义,就是仁爱的教义 (238524173419342048446628)。因此他们具有聪明和智慧 (241766297259-7262)。在人间过着仁爱生活的人,在来世其聪明和智慧会极大地增强 (19415859)。 主携神性真理一起流入仁爱,正是流入人的生命根本之中 (2063)。仁爱和信仰结合的人就像一个花园;而没有结合的人却像一个沙漠 (7626)。人的仁爱若褪减,其智慧也成比例凋萎。无仁爱之人对神性真理无知,无论他们如何自以为聪明 (24172435)。天使的生命在于践行仁爱的良善,也就是施行公益 (454)。属灵天使是投身仁爱的天使,以仁爱的化身呈现 (55338044735)。

所有属灵真理自始至终关乎仁爱 (4353)。若无仁爱做为目标,则教会的教义无任何意义 (20492116)。

主按照人和天使具有的爱和仁爱的状态而与之同在 (549904)。仁爱就是主的形象 (1013)。尽管人并不知晓,但对主之爱以及主自己,都深在于仁爱之中 (222750665067)。过着仁爱生活的人,无论在人间还是天堂都是受欢迎的居民 (1121)。人绝不可危害任何出于仁爱的良善 (2359)。

人若活不出仁爱来,他就不可能认识和敬拜主,除非他在作假 (213244249833)。仇恨和仁爱两种状态不可并存 (1860)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 106

106. From Secrets of Heaven

HEAVEN is divided into two kingdoms, one of which is called the heavenly kingdom, the other the spiritual kingdom. The love that characterizes the heavenly kingdom is love for the Lord and is called "heavenly love," while the love that characterizes the spiritual kingdom is love for one's neighbor or caring, and is called "spiritual love": 3325, 3653, 7257, 9002, 9835, 9961. On the division of heaven into these two kingdoms, see Heaven and Hell 20-28; and on the Lord's divine presence in the heavens taking the form of love for him and caring about one's neighbor, see 13-19 of the same work.

[2] People cannot know what is good and what is true unless they know what love for the Lord and love for one's neighbor are, since all goodness comes from love and all truth comes from goodness: 7255, 7366. Caring is a result of knowing things that are true, being willing to do what they teach, and being moved by them for their own sakes-that is, because they are true: 3876, 3877. Caring consists of an inner desire to do what truth teaches and not an outer desire apart from an inner desire: 2439, 2442, 3776, 4899, 4956, 8033. So caring consists of doing useful things because they are useful things to do: 7038, 8253. Caring is a spiritual way of life for us: 7081. The whole Word is a body of teaching focused on love and caring: 6632, 7262. No one these days knows what caring is: 2417, 3398, 4776, 6632. Nevertheless the light of our reason could tell us that love and caring are what make us human (3957, 6273) and that what is good and what is true are in harmony, each belonging to the other, so the same goes for love and faith (7627).

[3] In the highest sense, the Lord is our neighbor, because he is to be loved above all else. So everything that comes from him and has him within it is our neighbor-in other words, everything good and true: 2425, 3419, 6706, 6819, 6823, 8124. The type of neighbor someone is can be identified by the nature of the good that he or she does, and therefore by the Lord's presence in him or her: 6707, 6708, 6709, 6710. Every individual and every community, also our country and the church, and in the most universal sense the Lord's kingdom, are our neighbor; and loving our neighbors is doing them good out of a love of what is good, according to the nature of their state; so our "neighbor" is the well-being of others, for which we are to be concerned: 6818-6824, 8123. Our "neighbor" includes civic goodness, too, which is whatever is fair; and moral goodness, which is what is good for our life together in community and is called honesty: 2915, 4730, 8120, 8121, 8122. Loving our neighbors is not loving the personality they project in public but loving what motivates them from within, therefore the goodness and truth they have: 5028, 10336. If we base our love on their public personality and not on what motivates them from within, we will have as much love for evil people as for good people (3820) and we will support both the evil and the good, even though supporting evil people is harming good people, which is not loving our neighbor (3820, 6703, 8120). Judges who punish the evil in order to correct them and to protect the good from them are loving their neighbor: 3820, 8120, 8121.

[4] Loving one's neighbor is doing what is good, fair, and right in every task and in every function: 8120, 8121, 8122. So caring about our neighbor extends to every least thing that we think, intend, and do: 8124. Doing what is good and what is true is loving our neighbor: 10310, 10336. People who do this are loving the Lord, who is our neighbor in the highest sense: 9210. The life of caring is a life in accord with the Lord's commandments; therefore to live by divine truths is to love the Lord: 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645.

[5] Genuine caring is not something in which we engage in order to get something in return (2371, 2380, 2400, 3887, 6388-6393), because it comes from an inner desire to do what is good and therefore from a living joy in doing it (2371, 2380, 3887, 6388-6393). If we separate faith from caring, then in the other life we want credit for our faith and for any outwardly good deeds that we have done: 2371. People who lead evil lives because they love themselves and the world above all do not know what it is to do good without seeking a reward, so they do not know what it is to extend caring to someone without claiming credit: 8037.

[6] The teachings of the ancient church were teachings about how to live our lives, that is, teachings focused on caring: 2385, 2417, 3419, 3420, 4844, 6628. These teachings were the source of their intelligence and wisdom: 2417, 6629, 7259-7262. The intelligence and wisdom of people who have led caring lives in this world increase immensely in the other life: 1941, 5859. The Lord flows with divine truth into caring because he flows into our very life: 2363. We are like gardens when caring and faith are joined to each other within us and like deserts when they are not: 7626. The less we care, the less wise we are [6630]; if we are not engaged in caring we are ignorant of divine truths, no matter how wise we may think we are (2417, 2435). An angelic life consists of doing good deeds of caring, which are acts of service: 454. Spiritual angels, 1the angels whose lives are devoted to caring, are embodiments of caring: 553, 3804, 4735.

[7] All spiritual truths focus on caring as their fundamental principle and their aim: 4353. The teachings of the church are pointless unless they have caring as their goal: 2049, 2116.

[8] The Lord's presence with us and with angels depends on our state of love and caring: 904, 981. Caring is the image of God: 1013. Although we do not realize it, love for the Lord, and therefore the Lord himself, lies deep within caring: 2227, 5066, 5067. When we live caring lives we are welcomed as citizens anywhere in this world and in heaven: 1121. We must do no harm to any good thing that arises out of caring: 2359.

[9] If we have not devoted our lives to caring we are incapable of acknowledging and worshiping the Lord except hypocritically: 2132, 4424, 10177. Forms of hatred and forms of caring cannot coexist: 1860.


1. On "spiritual angels" as distinct from "heavenly angels," see New Jerusalem 4, where spiritual angels are said to be characterized by caring for their neighbor, and heavenly angels by love for the Lord. In terms of character, spiritual angels are generally more focused on truth, ideas, and discernment, while heavenly angels are more focused on what is good, on wisdom informed by an inward perception, and on love. For more on spiritual and heavenly angels, including many references to Secrets of Heaven, see New Jerusalem 107, 121:8, 140. For an overview of angels and spirits, see note 2 in New Jerusalem 25. [LSW]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 106

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 106

106. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 106


Heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom, and the other the spiritual: the love prevailing in the celestial kingdom is love to the Lord, which is called celestial love; and the love prevailing in the spiritual kingdom is love towards the neighbour, that is charity, which is called spiritual love, Arcana Coelestia 3325, 3653, 7257, 9002, 9835, 9961. That heaven is distinguished into those two kingdoms, see the work on Heaven and Hell 20-28; and that the Lord's Divine in the heavens is love to Him and charity towards the neighbour, see Heaven and Hell 13-19.

What good and what truth are cannot be known, unless it is known what love to the Lord and what love towards the neighbour are, because all good belongs to love, and all truth to good, Arcana Coelestia 7255, 7366. Knowing truths, willing truths, and being affected with truths for the truths' sake, that is, because they are truths, is charity, Arcana Coelestia 3876, 3877. Charity consists in the internal affection of doing the truth, and not in an external affection apart from the former, Arcana Coelestia 2430, 2442, 3776, 4899, 4956, 8033. Charity thus consists in the performance of uses for the sake of uses, Arcana Coelestia 7038, 8253. Charity is the spiritual life of man, Arcana Coelestia 7081. The whole Word is the Doctrine of Love and Charity, Arcana Coelestia 6632, 7262. It is not known at the present day what charity is, Arcana Coelestia 2417, 3398, 4776, 6632. Nevertheless, from the light of his own reason a man may know that love and charity constitute man, Arcana Coelestia 3957, 6273; also that good and truth accord together, and that the one belongs to the other, so also love and faith, Arcana Coelestia 7627.

In the highest sense the Lord is the neighbour, because He is to be loved above all things; wherefore all that which is from Him, and in which He is, and thus good and truth, is the neighbour, Arcana Coelestia 2425, 3419, 6706, 6819, 6823, 8124. The distinction in the neighbour is according to the quality of good, thus according to the Lord's presence, Arcana Coelestia 6707-6710. Every man and every society, - further, one's country and the Church, and, in a universal sense, the Lord's kingdom, are the neighbour, and doing good to them from the love of good, according to the quality of their state, means loving the neighbour; thus their good, is the neighbour, who is to be cared for, Arcana Coelestia 6818-6824, 8123. Civil good, which consists in justice, and moral good, which consists in the good of life in society, and is called sincerity, are also the neighbour, Arcana Coelestia 2915, 4730, 8120-8122. Loving the neighbour does not mean loving his person, but loving that in him by virtue of which he is a neighbour, consequently good and truth, Arcana Coelestia 5028, 10336. They who love the person, and not that in a man from which he is a neighbour, love evil just as well as good, Arcana Coelestia 3820. And they do good to the evil as well as to the good; when yet doing good to the evil is doing evil to the good, and this is not loving the neighbour, Arcana Coelestia 3820, 6703, 8120. A judge who punishes the evil that they may be amended, and that the good may not be contaminated by them, loves the neighbour, Arcana Coelestia 3820, 8120, 8121.

Loving the neighbour means doing what is good, just, and right, in every work and every public office, Arcana Coelestia 8120-8122. Wherefore charity towards the neighbour extends to each and every thing which a man thinks, wills, and does, Arcana Coelestia 8124. Doing what is good and true means loving the neighbour, Arcana Coelestia 10310, 10336. They who do this, love the Lord, who is the neighbour in the highest sense, Arcana Coelestia 9210. A life of charity means a life according to the Lord's Commandments; and living according to Divine truths means loving the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645.

Genuine charity does not look to merit, Arcana Coelestia 2027, 2273, 2400, 3887, 6388-6393; because it proceeds from an internal affection, and consequently from the delight of the life of doing good, Arcana Coelestia 2373, 2400, 3887, 6388-6393. They who separate faith from charity, in the other life attribute merit to faith, and to the good works which they have done in an outward form, Arcana Coelestia 2373. They who are in evils from the love of self or of the world, do not know what is meant by doing good apart from the idea of reward; consequently what is meant by a charity that does not look to reward, Arcana Coelestia 8037.

The doctrine of the Ancient Church was the doctrine of life, which is the doctrine of charity, Arcana Coelestia 2385, 2417, 3419, 3420, 4844, 6628. From it they had intelligence and wisdom, Arcana Coelestia 2417, 6629, 7259-7262. Intelligence and wisdom in the other life increase immensely with those who in the world have lived a life of charity, Arcana Coelestia 1941, 5859. The Lord flows in with Divine Truth into charity, because into the very life of man, Arcana Coelestia 2063. The man with whom charity and faith are conjoined is like a garden; but he with whom they are not conjoined, is like a desert, Arcana Coelestia 7626. In the proportion in which a man recedes from charity, he recedes from wisdom; and they who are not in charity are in ignorance concerning Divine truths, however wise they may think themselves, Arcana Coelestia 2417, 2435. The angelic life consists in the performance of the goods of charity, which are uses, Arcana Coelestia 454. The spiritual angels, who are those who are in the good of charity, are forms of charity, Arcana Coelestia 553, 3804, 4735.

All spiritual truths have respect to charity as to their beginning, and end, Arcana Coelestia 4353. The doctrinals of the Church are void of effect, unless they regard charity as their end, Arcana Coelestia 2049, 2116.

The Lord's presence with men and angels is according to the state of their love and charity, Arcana Coelestia 904. Charity is the image of God, Arcana Coelestia 1013 Arcana Coelestia 1013[1-4]. The love of the Lord, consequently the Lord, is interiorly in charity, although the man is not aware of it, Arcana Coelestia 2227, 5066, 5067. Those who lead a life of charity are accepted as citizens both in this world and in heaven, no 1121. The good of charity ought not to be violated, Arcana Coelestia 2359.

They who are not in charity cannot acknowledge and worship the Lord except from hypocrisy, Arcana Coelestia 2132, 4424, 9833. The forms of hatred and of charity cannot exist together, Arcana Coelestia 1860.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 106


Heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom, and the other the spiritual kingdom; the love in the celestial kingdom is love to the Lord, and is called celestial love; and the love in the spiritual kingdom is love towards the neighbor, or charity, and is called spiritual love (n. 3325, 3653, 7257, 9002, 9835, 9961). Heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms, see the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 20-28); and the Divine of the Lord in the heavens is love to Him, and charity towards the neighbor (n. 13-19 in the same).

It cannot be known what good is and what truth is, unless it be known what love to the Lord and love towards the neighbor are, because all good is of love, and all truth is of good (n. 7255, 7366). To know truths, to will truths, and to be affected with them for the sake of truths, that is, because they are truths, is charity (n. 3876, 3877). Charity consists in an internal affection of doing truth, and not in an external affection without an internal one (n. 2429, 2442, 3776, 4899, 4956, 8033). Thus charity consists in performing uses for the sake of uses (n. 7038, 8253). Charity is the spiritual life of man (n. 7081). The whole Word is the doctrine of love and charity (n. 6632, 7262). It is not known at this day what charity is (n. 2417, 3398, 4776, 6632). Nevertheless man may know from the light of his own reason, that love and charity make the man (n. 3957, 6273). Also that good and truth agree together, and that one is of the other, and so also love and faith (n. 7627).

The Lord is the neighbor in the highest sense, because He is to be loved above all things; and hence all is the neighbor which is from Him, and in which he is, thus good and truth (n. 2425, 3419 , 6706 , 6819 , 6823, 8124). The distinction of neighbor is according to the quality of good, thus according to the presence of the Lord (n. 6707-6710). Every man and every society, also our country and the church, and, in the universal sense, the kingdom of the Lord, are the neighbor, and to do good to them according to the quality of their state from the love of good, is to love the neighbor; thus the neighbor is their good, which is to be consulted (n. 6818-6824, 8123). Civil good, which is justice, and moral good, which is the good of life in society, and is called sincerity, are also the neighbor (n. 2915, 4730, 8120-8122). To love the neighbor does not consist in loving his person, but in loving that with him from which he is, consequently good and truth (n. 5028, 10336). They who love the person, and not that which is with him from which he is, love evil as well as good (n. 3820). And they do good to the evil as well as to the good, when nevertheless doing good to the evil is doing evil to the good, which is not loving the neighbor (n. 3820, 6703, 8120). The judge who punishes the evil that they may be amended, and that the good may not be contaminated by them, loves the neighbor (n. 3820, 8120, 8121).

To love the neighbor is to do what is good, just, and right, in every work and in every office (n. 8120-8122). Hence charity towards the neighbor extends itself to each and every thing which man thinks, wills, and does (n. 8124). To do what is good and true is to love the neighbor (n. 10310, 10336). They who do this love the Lord, who in the highest sense is the neighbor (n. 9210). The life of charity is a life according to the commandments of the Lord; and to live according to Divine truths is to love the Lord (n. 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645).

Genuine charity is not meritorious (n. 2027, 2343, 2400, 3887, 6388-6393). Because it is from internal affection, consequently from the delight of the life of doing good (n. 2373, 2400, 3887, 6388-6393). They who separate faith from charity, in another life hold faith and the good works which they have done in the external form as meritorious (n. 2373). They who are in evils from the love of self or the love of the world, do not know what it is to do good without remuneration, thus what that charity is which is not meritorious (n. 8037).

The doctrine of the Ancient Church was the doctrine of life, which is the doctrine of charity (n. 2385, 2417, 3419, 3420, 4844, 6628). Thence they had intelligence and wisdom (n. 2417, 6629, 7259-7262). Intelligence and wisdom increase immensely in the other life with those who have lived a life of charity in the world (n. 1941, 5859). The Lord flows in with Divine truth into charity, because into the essential life of man (n. 2063). The man with whom charity and faith are conjoined is like a garden; but like a desert with whom they are not conjoined (n. 7626). Man recedes from wisdom in proportion as he recedes from charity; and they who are not in charity, are in ignorance concerning Divine truths, however wise they think themselves (n. 2417, 2435). The angelic life consists in performing the goods of charity, which are uses (n. 454). The spiritual angels, who are they that are in the good of charity, are forms of charity (n. 553, 3804, 4735).

All spiritual truths regard charity as their beginning and end (n. 4353). The doctrinals of the church effect nothing unless they regard charity as their end (n. 2049, 2116).

The presence of the Lord with men and angels is according to their state of love and charity (n. 549, 904). Charity is the image of God (n. 1013). Love to the Lord, consequently the Lord, is within charity, although man does not know it (n. 2227, 5066, 5067). They who live a life of charity are accepted as citizens both in the world and in heaven (n. 1121). The good of charity is not to be violated (n. 2359).

They who are not in charity cannot acknowledge and worship the Lord except from hypocrisy (n. 2132, 4424, 9833). The forms of hatred and of charity cannot exist together (n. 1860).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 106 (original Latin 1758)


Quod caelum sit distinctum in duo regna, quorum unum vocatur regnum caeleste, alterum regnum spirituale: amor in regno caelesti est amor in Dominum, et vocatur amor caelestis, et amor in regno spirituali est amor erga proximum seu charitas, et vocatur amor spiritualis (Arcana Coelestia 3325, 3653, 7257, 9002, 9833, [9835?], 996).

(Quod caelum distinctum sit in duo illa regna, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno, 20-28. Et quod Divinum Domini in caelis sit amor in Ipsum, et charitas erga proximum, De Caelo et Inferno 13-19 ibi.)

Quod non sciatur quid bonum et quid verum, nisi sciatur quid amor in Dominum, et amor erga proximum, quoniam omne bonum est amoris, et omne verum est boni (Arcana Coelestia 7255, 7366).

Quod scire vera, velle vera, et affici veris propter vera, hoc est, quia vera sunt, sit charitas (Arcana Coelestia 3876, 3877).

Quod charitas consistat in affectione interna faciendi verum, et non in externa absque illa (Arcana Coelestia 2430, [2429?], 2442, 3776, 4899, 4956, 8033).

Ita quod charitas consistat in usibus praestandis propter usus (Arcana Coelestia 7038, 8253).

Quod charitas sit vita spiritualis hominis (Arcana Coelestia 7081)

Quod totum Verbum sit doctrina amoris et charitatis (Arcana Coelestia 6632, 7262).

Quod nesciatur hodie quid charitas (Arcana Coelestia 2417, 3398, 4776, 6632).

Quod usque homo ex lumine rationis suae scire possit quod amor et charitas faciant hominem (Arcana Coelestia 3957, 6273).

Tum quod bonum et verum concordent, ac unum sit alterius, ita amor et fides (Arcana Coelestia 7627).

Quod Dominus in supremo sensu sit Proximus, quia Ille super omnia amandus est; inde quod omne id proximus sit, est, in quo Ipse, ita bonum et verum (Arcana Coelestia 2425, 3419, 6706, 6819, 6823, 8124).

Quod discrimen proximi sit secundum quale boni, ita secundum praesentiam Domini (Arcana Coelestia 6707-6710).

Quod omnis homo, et omnis societas, tum patria et ecclesia, ac universali sensu regnum Domini, sunt proximus, et quod illis benefacere ex amore boni secundum quale status eorum sit amare proximum; ita proximus est bonum illorum, cui consulendum est (Arcana Coelestia 6818-6824, 8122).

Quod etiam bonum civile, quod est justum, et bonum morale, quod est bonum vitae in societate, et vocatur sincerum, sit proximus (Arcana Coelestia 2915, 4730, 8120-8122).

Quod amare proximum non sit amare personam, sed id quod est apud illum ex quo ille, ita bonum et verum (Arcana Coelestia 5025, [5028?], 1033).

Qui amant personam, et non quod est apud illum ex quo ille, quod ament aeque malum quam bonum (Arcana Coelestia 3820).

Et quod benefaciant aeque malis quam bonis, cum tamen benefacere malis est malefacere bonis, quod non est amare proximum (Arcana Coelestia 3820, 6703, 8120).

Judex qui punit malos ut emendentur, et ne contaminentur ab illis boni, is proximum amat (Arcana Coelestia 3820, 8120, 8121).

Quod amare proximum sit facere bonum, justum et rectum in omni opere, et in omni functione (Arcana Coelestia 8120, 8121, 8122).

Inde quod charitas erga proximum se extendat ad omnia et singula quae homo cogitat, vult, et facit (Arcana Coelestia 8124).

Quod facere bonum et verum sit amare proximum (Arcana Coelestia 10310, 10336).

Quod illi qui hoc faciunt, ament Dominum, qui in supremo sensu est Proximus (Arcana Coelestia 9212, [9210?],.

Quod vita charitatis sit vita secundum praecepta Domini, et quod vivere secundum Divina vera sit amare Dominum (Arcana Coelestia 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10648, [10645?],).

Quod genuina charitas non sit meritoria (Arcana Coelestia 2340, [2027?], 2373, [2343?], 2400, 3887, 6388-6393).

Quia est ex affectione interna, ita ex jucundo vitae faciendi bonum (Arcana Coelestia 2373, 2400, 3887, 6388-6393).

Qui fidem separant a charitate, quod in altera vita faciant fidem, et bona opera, quae in externa forma fecerunt, meritoria (Arcana Coelestia 2373).

Quod qui in malis ex amore sui aut mundi sunt, non sciant quid sit facere bonum absque remuneratione, ita quid sit charitas non meritoria (Arcana Coelestia 8037).

Quod doctrina Antiquae Ecclesiae fuerit doctrina vitae, quae est doctrina charitatis (Arcana Coelestia 2385, 2487, [2417?], 3419, 3420, 4844, 6628).

Quod illis inde intelligentia et sapientia (Arcana Coelestia 2417, 6629, 7259-7262).

Quod intelligentia et sapientia crescant in immensum in altera vita apud illas qui vitam charitatis in mundo vixerunt (Arcana Coelestia 1941, 5859).

Quod Dominus cum Divina Vera influat in charitatem, quia in ipsam vitam hominis (a. 2363, [2063?],).

Quod homo sit sicut hortus, apud quem charitas et fides conjunctae sunt; sed sicut desertum, apud quem non conjunctae (Arcana Coelestia 7626).

Quod homo tantum recedat a sapientia, quantum a charitate; et quod in ignorantia de veris Divinis sint qui non in charitate, utcunque se credunt sapere (Arcana Coelestia 2416, [2427?],2435).

Quod vita angelica consistat in bonis charitatis, quae sunt usus, praestandis (Arcana Coelestia 494 NCBSP: 454).

Quod angeli spirituales, qui sunt qui in bono charitatis, sint formae charitatis (Arcana Coelestia 553, 3804, 4735).

Quod omnia vera spiritualia spectent charitatem ut suum principium et finem (Arcana Coelestia 4353).

Quod doctrinalia ecclesiae nihil faciant, nisi spectent charitatem ut finem (Arcana Coelestia 2049, 2116).

Quod praesentia Domini apud homines et angelos se habeat secundum statum amoris et charitatis eorum (Arcana Coelestia 649 (Arcana Coelestia 549, 904?)).

Quod charitas sit imago Dei (Arcana Coelestia 1013).

Quod intus in charitate sit amor in Dominum, ita Dominus, tametsi homo id nescit (Arcana Coelestia 2227, 5066, 5067).

Quod qui charitatis vitam vivunt, accepti cives sint tam in mundo quam in caelo (Arcana Coelestia 1121).

Quod non violandum sit bonum charitatis (Arcana Coelestia 2359).

Quod qui non in charitate sunt, non possint agnoscere et colere Dominum, nisi ex hypocrisi (Arcana Coelestia 2132, 4424, 9833).

Quod formae odii et charitatis non possint simul esse (Arcana Coelestia 1860).

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