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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第114节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 114

114. We can form some image of the relationship between good actions that come from caring and the truth that belongs to religious faith if we think in terms of the warmth and light of the sun. When the light that radiates from the sun is joined to warmth, as is the case in spring and summer, then everything on earth sprouts and blossoms. When there is no warmth in the light, though, as is the case in winter, then everything on earth becomes dormant and dies. The truth that belongs to religious faith is spiritual light, and love is spiritual warmth.

This makes it possible for us to form some image of what people of the church are like when faith is joined to caring in them. They are just like a garden paradise. Their image, though, when faith is not joined to caring in them is like that of a desert or a land buried in snow.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 114

114. You can get an idea of how goodness relates to kindness and how truth relates to faith by thinking about the sun’s light and heat. When the light coming from the sun is combined with warmth, as it is in spring and summer, everything on earth sprouts and blooms. But when there is no warmth in the light, as happens in winter, everything on earth becomes dormant and dies off. Spiritual light is the truth that makes up faith, and spiritual warmth is love.

From this you can get an idea of what religious people are like when their faith is combined with kindness — they are like gardens and orchards. But religious people whose faith is not combined with kindness are like deserts or snow-covered land.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 114

114. Some idea of good, which relates to charity, and truth, which relates to faith, can be formed from the sun's light and heat. When the light radiated by the sun is combined with heat, as happens in springtime and summer, then everything on our earth buds and flowers. But when there is no heat in the light, as in wintertime, then everything on earth grows sluggish and dies off. Spiritual light actually is the truth of faith, and spiritual heat is love. This will enable one to form an idea of what a member of the church is like, when he has faith combined with charity; he is like a garden or park; or again, what he is like when his faith is not combined with charity; he is then like a desert or a countryside covered in snow.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 114

114. From the light and heat of the sun an idea may be formed concerning the good belonging to charity and the truth belonging to faith. When the light which proceeds from the sun is conjoined with heat, as is the case in spring-time and summer, everything on the earth's surface germinates and blooms; but when there is no heat in the light, as in wintertime, everything on the face of the earth grows torpid and dies. Spiritual light also is the truth of faith, and spiritual heat is love. An idea may be formed from this concerning the quality of a member of the Church when faith with him is conjoined to charity, in which case he is like a garden and a paradise; and also concerning his quality when faith with him is not conjoined to charity; in which case he is like a desert, and like a land covered with snow.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 114

114. An idea concerning the good which is of charity, and concerning the truth which is of faith, may be formed from the light and heat of the sun. When the light which proceeds from the sun is conjoined to heat, as is the case in the time of spring and summer, then all things of the earth germinate and flourish; but when there is no heat in the light, as in the time of winter, then all things of the earth become torpid and die; also spiritual light is the truth of faith, and spiritual heat is love. From these things an idea may be formed concerning the man of the church, what his quality is when faith with him is conjoined to charity, namely, that he is like a garden and paradise; and what his quality is when faith with him is not conjoined to charity, that he is like a desert and earth covered with snow.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 114 (original Latin 1758)

114. Idea de bono quod charitatis et de vero quod fidei, formari potest ex solis luce et calore. Lux, quae procedit a sole, cum conjuncta est calori, quod fit tempore veris et aestatis, tunc omnia telluris germinant et florent; at cum in luce non est calor, ut tempore hiemis, tunc omnia telluris torpent et emoriuntur: etiam lux spiritualis est verum fidei, et calor spiritualis est amor. Ex his idea formari potest de homine ecclesiae, qualis ille est, quando apud illum conjuncta est fides charitati, quod nempe sit sicut hortus et paradisus; et qualis ille, quando apud illum non conjuncta est fides charitati, quod sit sicut desertum et terra nive objecta.

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