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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第113节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 113

113. We can know and think and understand a great deal, but when we are left to the privacy of our own thoughts we discard anything that is not in harmony with our love. We discard such things after our physical lives as well, when we are in the spirit, since the only things that are left to us once we are in the spirit are the things that have entered into our love. After death all the rest strikes us as foreign matter that we throw out of our house because it is not part of our love. And I say "in the spirit" because we live as spirits after death.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 113

113. We can know, think, and understand many things, but when we are thinking about them all by ourselves, we reject anything that is not in harmony with our love. We also reject these things after our life in the physical body is over, when we are living on the spiritual level. Only what has become a part of our love lasts as part of our spiritual self. After death, we consider everything else to be alien to us, and we throw it out of our house because it has nothing to do with what we love.

I say “part of our spiritual self” because after death we live as spirits.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 113

113. A person can know, think and understand a great deal, but when he is left alone to ponder, he casts away the things which are not in harmony with his love. For that reason he also casts them away when his bodily life is over, when he is in his spirit. For only what has entered his love remains in his spirit. The rest are after death regarded as alien, and because they do not harmonise with his love they are cast out of doors. The expression 'in a person's spirit' is used because a person lives on as a spirit after death.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 113

113. A man may know, think, and understand much; but what does not agree with his love, he casts away from himself, when meditating alone by himself. Hence also he casts off these things after the life of the body, when he is in the spirit: for that alone which has entered into a man's love, remains in his spirit; the rest is looked upon, after death, as foreign, and because it does not belong to a man's love, it is cast out of the house. It is said "in the spirit," because after death, a man lives as a spirit.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 113

113. Man may know, think, and understand much, but when he is left to himself alone, and meditates, he rejects from himself those things which do not agree with his love; and therefore he also rejects them after the life of the body when he is in the spirit, for that only remains in the spirit of man which has entered into his love: other things after death are regarded as foreign, and because they are not of his love he casts them out. It is said in the spirit of man, because man lives a spirit after death.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 113 (original Latin 1758)

113. Homo multum potest scire, cogitare et intelligere, sed illa quae non concordant cum amore ejus, rejicit a se, cum sibi soli relictus meditatur: et ideo quoque illa rejicit post vitam corporis, cum in spiritu est; nam id solum manet in spiritu hominis, quod intravit in ejus amorem cetera post mortem spectantur ut aliena, quae quia non amoris ejus sunt, ejicit domo. In spiritu hominis dicitur, quia homo vivit spiritus post mortem.

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