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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第13节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 13

13. The divine design calls for goodness and truth to be joined together and not separated-to be one, then, and not two. They are together as they emanate from the Lord and they are together in heaven, so they need to be joined to each other in the church.

In heaven, the joining of what is good and what is true is called "the heavenly marriage" because everyone there participates in this marriage. That is why heaven is compared to a marriage in the Word and why the Lord is called the Bridegroom and the Husband, while heaven is called the bride and the wife, as is the church. 1The reason heaven and the church are so called is that the people there are receptive to the divine goodness that is present within truths.


1. For passages containing this marital imagery, see, for example, Matthew 9:15, John 3:29, and Revelation 21:2, 9. [GFD]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 13

13. To be in harmony with the divine plan, goodness and truth should be united as one thing, not separated into two. They come from the divine together, they are together in heaven, and they should be together in religion, too.

In heaven, the relationship between goodness and truth is called heavenly marriage. All the angels there have this kind of marriage inside them. That is why heaven is compared to a marriage in the Bible. The Lord is called the bridegroom and husband, and heaven and religion are called the bride and wife. Heaven and religion are called this because the people in them accept divine goodness according to true ideas.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 13

13. It is a law of Divine order that good and truth should be linked and not kept separate, so that they make a single unit, not two. For linked they proceed from the Divine, linked they are in heaven and therefore linked they should be in the church. In heaven the linking of good and truth is called the heavenly marriage, for all there are linked in this marriage. This is why heaven in the Word is likened to a marriage, and the Lord is called bridegroom and husband, while heaven is called bride and wife; and these same terms are used of the church. The reason why heaven and the church are so called is that those in them receive Divine good in truths.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 13

13. It is according to Divine order, that good and truth shall be conjoined, and not separated; thus that they shall be one, and not two; for, conjoined, they proceed from the Divine, and they are conjoined in Heaven, and for that reason they ought to be conjoined in the Church. The conjunction of good and truth in heaven is called The Heavenly Marriage; for all who are there are in that marriage. On this ground it is that heaven in the Word, is compared to a marriage, and that the Lord is called the Bridegroom and Husband, while Heaven is called the Bride and Wife: and so also the Church. Heaven and the Church are so called, because those who are in them receive the Divine Good in truths.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 13

13. It is according to Divine order that good and truth should be conjoined, and not separated; thus, that they should be one, and not two; for they proceed in conjunction from the Divine, and are conjoined in heaven, and therefore they should be conjoined in the church. The conjunction of good and truth is called, in heaven, the heavenly marriage, for all there are in this marriage. Hence it is that in the Word heaven is compared to a marriage, and that the Lord is called the Bridegroom and Husband, but heaven, and also the church, are called the Bride and Wife. That heaven and the church are so called, is because they who are therein receive Divine good in truths.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 13 (original Latin 1758)

13. Secundum Divinum ordinem est ut bonum et verum conjuncta sint, et non separata, ita ut sint unum et non duo; conjuncta enim procedunt a Divino, et conjuncta sunt in caelo, ac ideo conjuncta erunt in ecclesia. Conjunctio boni et veri vocatur in caelo conjugium caeleste, nam in hoc conjugio sunt omnes qui ibi. Inde est quod in Verbo caelum comparetur conjugio, et quod Dominus dicatur Sponsus et Maritus, caelum autem Sponsa et Uxor; similiter ecclesia: quod caelum et ecclesia ita dicantur, est quia illi qui ibi, recipiunt Divinum Bonum in veris.

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