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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第135节




135、人若在生活中热心仁爱友邻,他的良心是关爱真理的良心,此良心产生于对真理的信仰。而人若在生活中倾心爱主,他的良心是关爱良善的良心,产生于对真理的爱。 这些人的良心是一种上等的良心,被称为通过良善对真理的知觉。 具有关爱真理的良心之人属于主的属灵国度。但是有上等良心之人,此良心被称为知觉,他们属于主的属天国度。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 135

135. The type of conscience that is found in people whose lives are devoted to caring about their neighbor is a conscience focused on truth, because it is formed through the faith they have in the truth. The type of conscience that is found in people whose lives are devoted to love for the Lord, though, is a conscience focused on goodness, because it is formed through the love they have for the truth. The conscience the latter people have is of a higher kind and is called a perception of the truth that arises from goodness.

People who have a conscience focused on truth are part of the Lord's spiritual kingdom; people who have the higher conscience, the one called perception, are part of the Lord's heavenly kingdom.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 135

135. When we are kind to other people, we have a conscience about what is true, since it is formed by a belief in the truth. But when we love the Lord, we have a conscience about what is good, since it is shaped by a love for the truth. This second kind of conscience is a higher kind — it is intuition about the truth, from goodness.

If we have a conscience about what is true, we are in the Lord’s spiritual realm. But if we have the higher kind of conscience that is called intuition, we are in the Lord’s heavenly realm.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 135

135. Conscience in the case of those who are in a state of charity towards the neighbour is a conscience of truth, because it is formed by faith in truth. Those, however, who are in a state of love to the Lord have a conscience of good, because it is formed by a love for truth. In their case their conscience is a higher one, and it is called the perception of truth out of good. Those who have a conscience of truth belong to the Lord's spiritual kingdom; but those who have the higher conscience called perception belong to the Lord's celestial kingdom.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 135

135. As conscience with those who are in charity towards the neighbour is formed through the faith of truth, they have the conscience of truth; but as with those who are in love to the Lord, it is formed through the love of truth, they have the conscience of good. The conscience of the latter is of a higher order, and is called perception of truth from good. Those who have the conscience of truth are from the Lord's spiritual Kingdom; but those who have that higher conscience which is called perception, are from the Lord's celestial Kingdom.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 135

135. Conscience, with those who are in charity towards the neighbor, is the conscience of truth, because it is formed by the faith of truth; but with those who are in love to the Lord, it is the conscience of good, because it is formed by the love of truth. The conscience of these is a superior conscience, and is called the perception of truth from good. They who have the conscience of truth, are of the Lord's spiritual kingdom; but they who have the superior conscience, which is called perception, are of the Lord's celestial kingdom.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 135 (original Latin 1758)

135. Conscientia apud illos qui in charitate erga proximum sunt, est conscientia veri, quia formatur per fidem veri; apud illos autem qui in amore in Dominum sunt, est conscientia boni, quia formatur per amorem veri: horum conscientia est conscientia superior, et vocatur perceptio veri ex bono. Illi qui conscientiam veri habent, sunt e regno spirituali Domini; at illi qui conscientiam superiorem, quae vocatur perceptio, habent, sunt e regno caelesti Domini.

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