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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第134节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 134

134. People can have a conscience that is focused on what is good, and they can have a conscience that is focused on what is right. A conscience that is focused on what is good is a conscience that resides in our inner self; a conscience that is focused on what is right is a conscience that resides in our outer self. If we are driven from within to live by the precepts of faith, we have a conscience that is focused on what is good; if we are driven by outward considerations to live by civil and moral laws, we have a conscience that is focused on what is right.

People who have a conscience that is focused on what is good also have a conscience that is focused on what is right. People who have only a conscience that is focused on what is right nevertheless have the capacity to develop a conscience that is focused on what is good, and they do so when they are taught about it.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 134

134. We have a conscience about what is good, and a conscience about what is fair. Our conscience about what is good is our inner self’s conscience, and our conscience about what is fair is our outer self’s conscience.

Conscience about what is good is doing things according to the rules of faith from an inner love. Conscience about what is fair is doing things according to civil and ethical law from an outer love. When we have a conscience about what is good, we also have a conscience about what is fair. But when we only have a conscience about what is fair, we are able to accept a conscience about what is good — and we do accept it when we are taught about it.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 134

134. A person can have a conscience of good and a conscience of justice. A conscience of good is that of the internal man, that of justice is that of the external man. A conscience of good is acting according to the commands of faith out of internal affection, but a conscience of justice is acting according to civil and moral laws out of external affection. Those who have a conscience of good also have a conscience of justice. But those who have only a conscience of justice have the capability of receiving a conscience of good, and they do so when they are taught.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 134

134. Man has a conscience of what is good, and a conscience of what is just. The conscience of what is good is the conscience of the internal man, and the conscience of what is just, the conscience of the external man. The conscience of what is good consists in acting according to the commandments of faith from an internal affection; but the conscience of what is just, in acting according to civil and moral laws from an external affection. Those who have the conscience of what is good, have also the conscience of what is just; but those who have only the conscience of what is just, possess the ability to receive the conscience of what is good; and they, also, do receive it upon being instructed.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 134

134. Man has a conscience of what is good, and a conscience of what is just. The conscience of what is good is the conscience of the internal man, and the conscience of what is just is the conscience of the external man. The conscience of what is good consists in acting according to the precepts of faith from internal affection; but the conscience of what is just consists in acting according to civil and moral laws from external affection. They who have the conscience of what is good, have also the conscience of what is just; but they who have only the conscience of what is just, are in a faculty of receiving the conscience of what is good; and they also do receive it when they are instructed.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 134 (original Latin 1758)

134. Est homini conscientia boni et conscientia justi. Conscientia boni est conscientia interni hominis, et conscientia justi est conscientia externi hominis. Conscientia boni est facere secundum praecepta fidei ex affectione interna, at conscientia justi est facere secundum leges civiles et morales ex affectione externa. Qui conscientiam boni habent, illi quoque conscientiam justi habent; at qui modo conscientiam justi habent, illi in facultate sunt recipiendi conscientiam boni; et quoque recipiunt cum instructi.

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