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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第168节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 168

168. When we repent in a state of freedom, it works; when we repent under duress, it does not. The following are states of duress: a state of sickness, a state of mental depression because of misfortune, a state in which death seems imminent, as well as any state of fear that robs us of the use of reason. Sometimes people who are evil and are in a state of duress do things that are good and make promises to repent, but when they find themselves in a state of freedom they return to their old life of evil. It is different for people who are good.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 168

168. If we regret our faults when we are free, it accomplishes something. But when we regret them under compulsion, it is worthless. We are under compulsion when we are sick, or depressed because some disaster has happened to us, or when we are about to die, or when we are so afraid of something that we cannot think rationally.

If we are harmful people, when we are under compulsion we may insist that we regret our faults, and start doing good things. But as soon as we are free again, we will go right back to the same old destructive life. If we are good people, it is different.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 168

168. Repentance is valid if done in freedom, but not if done under compulsion. Instances of compulsion are illness, depression as the result of misfortune, the imminence of death, and any fear which takes away the use of reason. An evil person, who under compulsion promises to repent and really does good, on coming into a condition of freedom reverts to his previous evil life. The good do not.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 168

168. The repentance which is practised in a state of freedom avails; but that which is practised in a state of compulsion does not avail. States, of compulsion are a state of illness, a state of dejection of the mind caused by misfortune, a state of approaching death; and further, every state of fear which deprives a man of the use of reason. When an evil man, who under a state of compulsion, promises repentance, and also does good, regains a state of freedom, he returns to his former life of evil. The case is different with a good man.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 168

168. The repentance which takes place in a free state is of avail, but that which takes place in a state of compulsion is of no avail. States of compulsion are states of sickness, states of dejection of mind from misfortune, states of imminent death, as also every state of fear which takes away the use of reason. He who is evil, and in a state of compulsion promises repentance, and also does good, when he comes into a free state returns to his former life of evil; it is otherwise with the good.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 168 (original Latin 1758)

168. Paenitentia quae fit in statu libero valet, at quae fit in statu coacto non valet. Status coacti sunt status morbi, status dejecti animi ex infortunio, status imminentis mortis, tum omnis status timoris qui demit rationis usum. Qui malus est, et in statu coacto paenitentiam pollicetur, et quoque bonum facit, is cum venit in statum liberum, in vitam mali priorem redit: aliter bonus.

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