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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第167节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 167

167. Some signs that our sins have been forgiven (that is, put aside) are the following: we sense a pleasure in worshiping God for God's sake and in helping our neighbor for our neighbor's sake, which means in doing good for its own sake and in speaking truth for its own sake. We do not want credit for our caring or our faith. We reject and turn our backs on evils like enmity, hatred, vindictiveness, adultery, and even the very thoughts that go along with intentions in such directions.

In contrast, some signs that our sins have not been forgiven (that is, put aside) are the following: we worship God but not for God's sake, we help our neighbor but not for our neighbor's sake, which means that we do not do good for its own sake or speak truth for its own sake but for self-serving and worldly reasons. We want credit for what we do. We do not find evils like enmity, hatred, vindictiveness, and adultery at all distasteful, and entertain these evils in our thoughts with a complete lack of restraint.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 167

167. Here are the indications that we have given up our faults and put them aside:

We enjoy worshipping God just because he is God, and helping out other people just because they are people. So we enjoy doing good things just because they are good, and telling the truth just because it is true. We do not try to take credit for our kindness and faith. We avoid and reject things that are wrong, such as unfriendliness, hatred, revenge, and adultery. We avoid even thinking about these things with any intention to do them.

But here are the signs that we have not given up our faults or put them aside:

We do not worship God just because he is God or help other people just because they are people, so we do not do good things or tell the truth just because they are good and true. We do these things for our own benefit and to get material things. We want to take the credit for what we do. We feel nothing unpleasant in things that are wrong, such as unfriendliness, hatred, revenge, and adultery. Because of this, we think about these harmful things as much as we want to.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 167

167. The signs that sins are forgiven, that is, taken away, are the following. Such people feel pleasure in worshipping God for God's sake and in performing services for the neighbour for his sake, and so in doing good for good's sake and in speaking truth for truth's sake. They are unwilling to acquire merit by any charitable act or point of faith, they flee from and loathe evils, enmity for example, or hatred, revenge, or adultery, and even thinking about such things with the intention of doing them.

However, the signs that sins are not forgiven, that is, taken away, are the following. These people worship God, but not for God's sake. They perform services for the neighbour, but not for his sake. So they do not do good or speak truth for the sake of good and truth, but for selfish and worldly reasons. They want to acquire merit by their deeds. They experience a not unpleasant feeling in evils, in enmity for example, in hatred, revenge and adultery, and as a result they have no constraints in thinking about them.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 167

167. The signs that sins have been forgiven, that is, removed are as follows: A delight is perceived in the worship of God for the sake of God; in ministering to the neighbour for the sake of the neighbour, and thus in doing good for the sake of good, and in speaking the truth for the sake of the truth; a disinclination is felt to reap merit by anything belonging to charity and faith; evils are shunned and held in aversion, as for instance, enmities, hatreds, revenges, adulteries, and the very thoughts of these evils together with their intentions. But the signs that sins have not been forgiven, that is, removed, are as follows: God is not worshipped for the sake of God, nor is the neighbour served for the sake of the neighbour; good, consequently, is not done, nor the truth spoken for the sake of good and truth, but for the sake of self and the world; an inclination is felt to reap merit by one's actions: nothing undelightful is perceived in evils, such as enmity, hatred, revenge, and adulteries; and from these evils persons think concerning them with unrestrained freedom.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 167

167. The signs that sins are remitted, that is, removed, are these which follow. They whose sins are remitted, perceive a delight in worshiping God for the sake of God, and in serving their neighbor for the sake of their neighbor, thus in doing good for the sake of good, and in speaking truth for the sake of truth; they are unwilling to claim merit by anything of charity and faith; they shun and are averse to evils, as enmities, hatreds, revenges, adulteries, and the very thoughts of such things with intention. But the signs that sins are not remitted, that is, removed, are these which follow. They whose sins are not remitted, worship God not for the sake of God, and serve the neighbor not for the sake of the neighbor, thus they do not do good and speak truth for the sake of good and truth, but for the sake of themselves and the world; they wish to claim merit by their deeds; they perceive nothing undelightful in evils, as in enmity, in hatred, in revenge, in adulteries; and they think of them and concerning them in all license.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 167 (original Latin 1758)

167. Signa quod peccata sint remissa, hoc est, remota, sunt quae sequuntur:--Percipiunt jucundum in colendo Deum propter Deum, et in serviendo proximo propter proximum, ita in faciendo bonum propter bonum, et in loquendo verum propter verum; nolunt mereri per aliquid charitatis et fidei, fugiunt et aversantur mala, ut inimicitias, odia, vindictas adulteria, et ipsas cogitationes cum intentione de talibus. Signa autem quod peccata non sint remissa, hoc est, remota sunt quae sequuntur:--Colunt Deum non propter Deum, et serviunt proximo non propter proximum; ita faciunt bonum et loquuntur verum propter bonum et verum, sed propter se et mundum; per facta volunt mereri; percipiunt non injucundum in malis, ut in inimicitia, in odio, in vindicta, in adulteriis, et ex illis de illis in omni licentia cogitant.

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