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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第178节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 178

178. These and much more are matters of faith that we need to know if we are to be regenerated, since if we know them we can think about them, then intend them, and finally do them, thereby having a new life.

For example, if we do not know that the Lord is the Savior of the human race we cannot have faith in him, love him, and therefore do what is good for his sake. If we do not know that everything good comes from him we cannot think that our salvation comes from him, let alone want it to be that way; so we cannot live from him. If we do not know that there is a hell and a heaven and an eternal life we can have no thought whatever about heavenly life, nor can we devote ourselves to receiving it. It is much the same in regard to the other points just mentioned [177].

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 178

178. All these things and many more are part of the faith that we should know to be reborn. If we know them, we can think about them, want them, and finally do them, so that we gain a new life.

For example, if we do not know that the Lord is the liberator of the human race, we cannot have faith in him, love him, and do good things for his sake. If we do not know that everything good comes from him, we cannot possibly realize that our spiritual well-being comes from him, let alone want to receive it from him. This means we cannot live from him. If we do not know that there is a hell and a heaven, and that we will live forever, we cannot think about the way people live in heaven, or make ourselves receptive to that kind of life. And so on for the rest of the examples.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 178

178. These points and many more concerning faith are what a person who is to be regenerated ought to know. For if he knows them, he can think about them, then want them, and finally do them, and so acquire a new way of life. As for example, anyone who does not know that the Lord is the Saviour of the human race cannot have faith in Him, love Him, and so do good for His sake. Anyone who does not know that all good is from Him, cannot think that his salvation is from Him, much less want that to be the case, so he cannot live from the Lord. Anyone who does not know that there is a heaven and a hell, and that there is everlasting life, cannot even think about life in heaven, or fit himself to receive it. It is the same with other things.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 178

178. These, and many other things, belong to faith, and ought to be known by the man who is to be regenerated; for he who is acquainted with these things, can think of them, afterwards will them, and finally do them; and thus he can have a new life. Even as he, on the other hand, who does not know that the Lord is the Saviour of the human race, cannot have any faith in Him, nor love Him, and, therefore, cannot do good for His sake; and as he who does not know that all good is from the Lord, cannot think that his salvation is from Him, and still less can will that such shall be the case, and thus cannot live from the Lord; and as he who does not know that there is a hell, and that there is a heaven, and that there is eternal life, cannot even think of a life of heaven, nor apply himself so as to receive it. So it is in all other cases.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 178

178. These and many other things belong to faith, which the man who is regenerating ought to know; for he who knows them, may think them, afterwards will them, and lastly do them, and so have new life. Whilst he who does not know that the Lord is the Savior of the human race, cannot have faith in Him, love Him, and thus do good for the sake of Him. He who does not know that all good is from Him, cannot think that his own salvation is from Him, still less can he will it to be so, thus he cannot live from Him. He who does not know that there is a hell and a heaven, nor that there is eternal life, cannot even think about the life of heaven, nor apply himself to receive it, and so in other cases.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 178 (original Latin 1758)

178. Haec et plura sunt fidei, quae homo qui regenerandus est, scire debet; nam qui scit illa, cogitare potest illa, dein velle illa, et demum facere illa, et sic habere vitam novam. Ut, qui non scit quod Dominus sit Salvator generis humani, non potest fidem habere in Ipsum, amare Ipsum, et sic facere bonum propter Ipsum. Qui non scit quod omne bonum sit ab Ipso, non potest cogitare quod salus sua sit ab Ipso, minus potest velle quod ita sit, ita non potest vivere ab Ipso. Qui non scit quod infernum sit et quod caelum, nec quod vita aeterna, is ne quidem cogitare potest de vita caeli, nec applicare se ad recipiendum illam. Ita in reliquis.

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