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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第179节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 179

179. Each of us has an inner self and an outer self. The inner self is called our spiritual self and the outer self is called our earthly self. If we are to be regenerated, each of these needs to be regenerated.

If we have not been regenerated, then our outer or earthly self is in control and our inner self is its servant; while if we have been regenerated our inner or spiritual self is in control and our outer self is its servant. We can see, then, that the proper order of life in us is inverted from birth-what ought to be in control is serving and what ought to serve is in control. This order has to be reversed if we are to be saved; and the only way this reversal can be realized is through our being regenerated by the Lord.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 179

179. We all have inner and outer selves. The inner one is our spiritual self, and the outer one is our material self. For us to be reborn, both of these have to be reborn.

When we have not been reborn, our outer, material self is in control, and our inner self works for it. But when we have been reborn, our inner, spiritual self is in control, and our outer self works for it. So you can see that our life is arranged upside-down from birth. What should be in control is just a worker, and what should just be a worker is in control. For us to be set free, this arrangement has to be turned the other way around. This cannot happen unless we are reborn from the Lord.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 179

179. Each person has an internal and an external man. The internal man is what is called the spiritual man, the external the natural man. Both of these have to be regenerated for a person to be regenerated. In the case of someone who is not regenerated, the external or natural man is the master, and the internal is the servant. But in the case of someone who is regenerated, the internal or spiritual man is the master, and the external is the servant. This shows clearly that from birth one has the correct order of life turned upside down; thus what ought to be master is servant, and what ought to be servant is master. For a person to be saved that order has to be reversed and the only way this reversal can happen is by being regenerated by the Lord.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 179

179. Every one has an internal, and an external man: the internal man is what is called the spiritual man, and the external man, what is called the natural man. Each of these has to be regenerated, in order that a man may be regenerate. With a man who is not regenerate, the external, that is, the natural man rules, and the internal man is subservient; but with the regenerate man, the internal, that is, the spiritual man rules, and the external man is subservient. From this it is evident that from birth the order of life with a man is inverted; namely, that what ought to rule is subservient, and what ought to be subservient rules. This order has to be inverted in order that a man may be saved; and this inversion can never have place except through regeneration by the Lord.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 179

179. Everyone has an internal man and an external man; the internal is what is called the spiritual man, and the external is what is called the natural man, and each is to be regenerated, that the man may be regenerated. With the man who is not regenerated, the external or natural man rules, and the internal serves; but with the man who is regenerated, the internal or spiritual man rules, and the external serves. Whence it is manifest that the order of life is inverted with man from his birth, namely, that serves which ought to rule, and that rules which ought to serve. In order that man may be saved, this order must be inverted; and this inversion can by no means exist, but by regeneration from the Lord.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 179 (original Latin 1758)

179. Unicuique est homo internus et homo externus; internus est qui homo spiritualis vocatur, et externus qui homo naturalis: uterque regenerandus est, ut homo regeneratus sit. Apud hominem qui non regeneratus est, externus seu naturalis homo imperat, ac internus servit; at apud hominem qui regeneratus est, internus seu spiritualis homo imperat, et externus servit. Unde patet quod apud hominem a nativitate ordo vitae inversus sit, nempe, quod imperare debet hoc servit, et quod servire debet hoc imperat. Ille ordo invertendus est, ut homo salvari possit: et haec inversio nequaquam existere potest quam per regenerationem a Domino.

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