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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第271节




271、邪恶之人凭借奸猾狡诈在恶事上也能成功,因为依据神性设计,无论每个人做什么,都是依据他自己的理性和自由意志。 如果人不能按自己的理性自由行动,且通过自己的能力获得成功,则他不适合接受永恒生命。因为当人有自由意志,且他的理性获得启示,永恒生命才缓缓流入。无人能被迫行善,任何被迫的事都不能持久,也不能进入人的生命。出自理性通过自由意志去做的才是人自己的,也才是他意愿或爱去做的事情,意愿或爱就是人真正的自己。如果人被迫去做非他所愿之事,他就老想转向他所愿之事。不仅如此,人人都想冲破禁忌去做事,这源自人潜在的对自由的渴望。显而易见,人若没有自由,便无法获得良善。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 271

271. The reason the skills of evil people bring them success is that by the divine design, whatever we do, we do on the basis of our own reasoning and our own free will. If we did not have the freedom to act on the basis of our own reasoning, and if our consequent skills never accomplished anything, we could not even begin being prepared to receive eternal life. Eternal life is instilled in us only when we are in a state of freedom and when our powers of reason are enlightened. This is because no one can be compelled by outside forces to become a good person, since nothing that is done under compulsion is of lasting effect. The goodness under that circumstance would not become ours. What is ours is what we do freely according to our own reasoning, and what we do freely is what we do because we will it and love it; our will or our love is our true self. If we are compelled to do something that we do not want to do, then our mind is constantly turning to what we would rather do instead. Not only that, everyone is drawn to what is forbidden because of the hidden pull of freedom. So we can see that if we were not kept in a state of freedom we could not be provided with any goodness.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 271

271. Harmful people can gain success through unethical practices because the divine plan is that everything we do should come from our rational thought, and should be done in freedom. So if we were not allowed to do things in freedom, according to our rational thought, and to succeed by carrying out the plans we come up with in this way, we could never become prepared to accept eternal life. Eternal life slips into us when we are free and can think clearly.

No one can be forced to be good. Things that are forced on us do not stay with us, because they do not come from ourselves. Anything we do in freedom, according to our rational thought, does become a part of us. We do things in freedom when they come from our motivation or love, which is our real self. If we are forced to do things we do not want to do, our mind always leans toward things we do want to do. Besides, we always want to do anything we are not allowed to, because we all have a hidden desire to be free.

So you can see that unless we are kept in freedom, good things cannot be provided for us.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 271

271. The reason why the wicked prosper the more the craftier they are is that God's order prescribes that each person should act from reason in what he does, and also by free choice. Unless therefore it was left to a person to act in freedom by the light of his reason, and if too the tricks which he devises by the use of his reason did not succeed, people could by no means be so disposed as to be able to receive everlasting life. For this is introduced into a person when he is in freedom and his reason is enlightened. No one can be forced to be good, because nothing done under compulsion sticks, since it is not the person's. What really becomes the person's is what he does of his free choice by the light of his reason. What he does by free choice is what he does of his own will or out of love, and the will or love is the real person. Even if people were forced to do what they do not want, their minds would still always tend towards what they want. Moreover, everyone strives after what is forbidden, and this for the unseen cause, that it is after freedom. From this it is plain that if people were not kept in freedom it would be impossible for them to acquire goodness.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 271

271. The wicked in the pursuit of their plans are crowned with success for this reason, that it is in accordance with Divine Order, that whatever a man does, he should do from reason, and likewise from freedom; unless therefore it were left to a man to act from freedom according to his reason; unless, consequently, the devices which originate thence were successful, he could in no wise be fitted to receive eternal life; for this is instilled into a man when he is in freedom, and when his reason is enlightened. For no one can be forced to good, since nothing that is compulsory remains, because it is not the man's. That becomes his which is done from freedom according to his reason; and that is done from freedom which is done from a man's will, that is, from his love; and the will, that is, the love, is the man himself. If a man were forced to that which he does not will, his mind would constantly incline towards that which he wills. Every one, besides, strives after what is forbidden, and indeed from a hidden cause; for every one strives after freedom. From this it is evident, that unless a man were kept in freedom, good could not be provided for him.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 271

271. The reason why the evil succeed in evils according to their arts is, because it is according to Divine order that everyone should act what he acts from reason, and also from freedom; wherefore, unless man were left to act from freedom according to his reason, and thus unless the arts which are thence derived were to succeed, man could by no means be disposed to receive eternal life, for this is insinuated when man is in freedom, and his reason is enlightened. For no one can be compelled to good because nothing that is compelled inheres with him, for it is not his own: that becomes a man's own, which is done from freedom according to his reason, and that is done from freedom which is done from the will or love, and the will or love is the man himself.

If a man were compelled to that which he does not will, his mind would continually incline to that which he wills; and besides, everyone strives after what is forbidden, and this from a latent cause, because he strives for freedom. Whence it is evident that unless man were kept in freedom, good could not be provided for him.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 271 (original Latin 1758)

271. Quod succedat malis secundum artes, est causa quia ex Divino ordine est ut quisque ex ratione agat quod agit, et quoque ex libero; quapropter nisi relictum foret homini agere secundum ejus rationem ex libero, et sic quoque artes, quae inde sunt, succederent, homo nullatenus posset disponi ad recipiendum vitam aeternam; haec enim insinuatur cum homo est in libero et ratio ejus illustratur: nemo namque cogi potest ad bonum, quia omne coactum non inhaeret, non enim est ipsius; id ipsius hominis fit quod ex libero secundum ejus rationem fit, et ex libero fit quod ex voluntate seu amore, ac voluntas seu amor est ipse homo: si cogeretur homo ad id quod non vult, inclinaret animo semper ad id quod vult; et praeterea quisque nititur ad vetitum, et hoc ex causa latente quia ad liberum. Inde patet quod nisi homo teneretur in libero, non ei provideri posset bonum.

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