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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第312节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 312

312. Good order cannot be maintained in the world without officials who are required to observe everything that is orderly and everything that is disorderly and to reward people who live properly and penalize people who live improperly. If this is not done, the human race will perish, since everyone has by heredity an innate desire to rule over others and to gain possession of their goods, which gives rise to hostility, envy, hatred, vengefulness, guile, cruelty, and any number of other evils. So we need to be kept under restraint by laws. Those of us who do what is good need to receive rewards that accord with our love of honors and of financial gain. Those of us who do what is evil need to receive punishments that affect those same loves (namely, loss of honor, wealth, and life). Otherwise the human race would perish.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 312

312. We cannot maintain order in the world without officials to keep track of everything people do in harmony with or in opposition to an orderly society. These officials should reward people who live in an orderly way, and punish people who defy law and order.

If this is not done, the human race will be lost. This is because, from our heredity, all of us have an inborn tendency to want to dominate others and to own what belongs to them. This is where hostility, jealousy, hatred, fraud, cruelty, and many other bad traits come from. So these bad traits must be controlled by laws. For people who do good things, there should be rewards appropriate to their love of status and wealth. For people who do harmful things, there should be punishments that conflict with those loves, such as loss of their status, their possessions, or their lives. Otherwise, the human race will be lost.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 312

312. Order cannot be kept in the world without having governors to note everything that happens according or contrary to order, rewarding those who live orderly lives and punishing those who are disorderly. Failing this, the human race will inevitably perish. For everyone inherits by birth a tendency to wish to rule over others and to possess other people's goods; and this leads to quarrels, envy, hatred, revenge, deceit, cruelty and many other evils. If therefore people were not kept under restraint by laws, rewarding those who do good by advancing their interest, conferring honours and advantages on them, and punishing those who do harm by opposing their interest, threatening the loss of honours, property and even life, the human race would perish.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 312

312. Order cannot be maintained in the world without persons in authority (pacefecti) who ought to take notice of all things which happen according to order, and of all things which take place in opposition to order, and who ought to reward those who live according to order, and to punish those who live in opposition to order. Unless this is done, the human race must perish. For by heredity the desire of ruling over others, and of possessing the goods of others, is connate in every one, whence there arise enmities, feelings of envy, hatred, revenge, deceit, cruelty, and many other evils. Unless, therefore, men are kept in bonds by the laws, and by rewards suitable to their loves, which are honours and gains for those who do good; and by punishments in opposition to those loves for those who do evil, and which consist in the loss of honour, of possessions and of life - the human race would perish.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 312

312. Order cannot be maintained in the world without governors, who are to observe all things which are done according to order, and which are done contrary to order; and who are to reward those who live according to order, and punish those who live contrary to order. If this be not done, the human race will perish; for the will to command others, and to possess the goods of others, from heredity is connate with everyone, whence proceed enmities, envyings, hatreds, revenges, deceits, cruelties, and many other evils. Wherefore, unless they were kept under restraint by the laws, and by rewards suited to their loves, which are honors and gains for those who do goods; and by punishments contrary to those loves, which are the loss of honors, of possessions, and of life, for those who do evils; the human race would perish.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 312 (original Latin 1758)

312. Ordo non potest teneri in mundo absque praefectis, qui observaturi omnia quae secundum ordinem, et quae contra ordinem, fiunt; et qui remuneraturi illos qui secundum ordinem vivunt, et punituri illos qui contra ordinem. Si id non fit, peribit genus humanum; nam cuivis ex hereditario connatum est velle imperare aliis, ac possidere bona aliorum, unde inimicitiae, invidiae, odia, vindictae, doli, saevitiae, et plura alia mala; quapropter nisi in vinculis teneantur per leges, et per remunerationes convenientes amoribus illorum, quae sunt honores et lucra, pro illis qui bona faciunt, ac per punitiones contrarias amoribus illis, quae sunt jacturae honorum, possessionum, et vitae, pro illis qui mala faciunt, periturum esset genus humanum

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