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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第315节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 315

315. As for priests, they are to teach people the way to heaven and are also to lead them on that path. They are to teach them according to the body of teaching of their church drawn from the Word and are to lead them to live by that teaching. Priests who teach what is true and who by means of truths lead people to practice goodness in their lives and therefore lead them to the Lord are good shepherds of their sheep; priests who teach but do not lead people to practice goodness in their lives and therefore do not lead them to the Lord are bad shepherds.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 315

315. Ministers should teach us the way to heaven, and should also lead us there. They should teach us in harmony with their religious philosophy, which comes from the Bible, and lead us so that we will live according to it.

Ministers who teach what is true, and in that way lead people to live a good life — which means they are leading us toward the Lord — are good shepherds. But ministers who only teach, and do not lead people to live a good life — toward the Lord — are bad shepherds.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 315

315. As for priests, their duty is to teach people the way to heaven, and also to guide them. They must teach them in accordance with the teaching their church derives from the Word, and guide them to live in accordance with it. Priests who teach truths and by their means guide people to lead good lives, and so bring them to the Lord, are good shepherds. Those, however, who teach, but do not guide people to lead good lives, and so bring them to the Lord, are bad shepherds.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 315

315. With respect to priests they ought to teach men the way to heaven, and should also lead them. They ought to teach them according to the doctrine of their Church from the Word; and should lead them so that they live according to that doctrine. The priests who teach truths, and through them lead to the good of life, and thus to the Lord, are the good shepherds of the sheep; but those who teach, and do not lead to the good of life, and thus to the Lord, are bad shepherds.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 315

315. With respect to the priests, they ought to teach men the way to heaven, and also to lead them; they ought to teach them according to the doctrine of their church from the Word, and to lead them to live according to it. Priests who teach truths, and thereby lead to the good of life, and so to the Lord, are good shepherds of the sheep; but they who teach and do not lead to the good of life, and so to the Lord, are evil shepherds.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 315 (original Latin 1758)

315. Quod concernit sacerdotes, docebunt illi homines viam ad caelum, et quoque ducent illos; docebunt illos secundum ecclesiae suae doctrinam ex Verbo, ac ducent ut vivant secundum illam. Sacerdotes qui docent vera, et per illa ducunt ad bonum vitae, et sic ad Dominum, sunt pastores ovium boni; qui autem docent, et non ducunt ad bonum vitae, et sic ad Dominum, sunt pastores mali.

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