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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第317节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 317

317. Priests should be accorded dignity and honor because of the holy functions they perform; but if they are wise, they ascribe the honor not to themselves but to the Lord, who is the source of what is holy. If they are not wise, they ascribe the honor to themselves-and take it away from the Lord.

Priests who ascribe honor to themselves because of the holy functions they perform place honor and financial gain above the salvation of souls, which should be their primary concern. In contrast, priests who ascribe honor to the Lord and not to themselves place the salvation of souls above honor and financial gain.

None of the honor that goes with any function belongs to the individual performing it. Rather, it is appended to the individual in accord with the importance of the function being performed; and anything that is appended does not belong to the individual and is taken away from her or him when the position passes to another. The only honor that remains ours is honor we receive for our wisdom and fear of the Lord.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 317

317. Ministers should receive honor and respect because of the holy things they attend to. But wise ministers will give the honor to the Lord, from whom the holy things come, and not accept it for themselves. Ministers who are not wise will accept the honor for themselves. They are stealing it from the Lord. The ones who accept for themselves the honor that comes with the holy things they attend to care more about status and wealth than they do about the well-being of people’s souls — which is supposed to be their job. But the ones who give the honor to the Lord and not to themselves care more about the well-being of people’s souls than they do about status and wealth.

The respect we get for our job does not belong to us, but becomes associated with us depending on the importance of our job. Something associated with us in this way does not belong to us. We lose it if we lose the job. Any honor in ourselves comes from being wise and respecting the Lord.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 317

317. Priests must be given status and honours because of their sacred functions. But those of them who are wise ascribe the honours to the Lord from whom what is holy comes, and not to themselves. Priests, however, who are unwise attribute the honours to themselves, and so take them away from the Lord. Those who attribute honours to themselves because of their sacred functions, set honours and gain above the salvation of souls, which should be their care. Those, however, who ascribe honours to the Lord and not to themselves set the salvation of souls above honours and gain. None of the honours attaching to any office depends upon the person, but they are assigned to him in proportion to the level of government he undertakes; and what is assigned does not belong to the person himself, and is taken away when he gives up the office. Personal honours are those of wisdom and the fear of the Lord.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 317

317. Dignity and honour ought to be accorded to priests on account of the holy things which they administer; but those who are wise give the honour to the Lord, from whom are the holy things, and they do not attribute it to themselves. Those, on the other hand, who are not wise, attribute the honor to themselves, and take it away from the Lord. Those who claim honour to themselves on account of the holy things which they administer, prefer honour and gain to the salvation of souls, which they ought to care for. But those who attribute the honour to the Lord, and not to themselves, prefer the salvation of souls to honour and gain. No honour of any function is in the person, but is adjoined to the person according to the dignity of the office which he administers; and what is thus adjoined does not belong to the person himself, and is also separated with the office. The honour inherent in a person is the honour of wisdom, and of the fear of the Lord.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 317

317. Dignity and honor ought to be paid to priests on account of the holy things which they administer; but they who are wise give the honor to the Lord, from whom the holy things are, and not to themselves; but they who are not wise attribute the honor to themselves; these take it away from the Lord. They who attribute honor to themselves, on account of the holy things which they administer, prefer honor and gain to the salvation of souls, which they ought to provide for; but they who give the honor to the Lord, and not to themselves, prefer the salvation of souls to honor and gain. The honor of any employment is not in the person, but is adjoined to him according to the dignity of the thing which he administers; and what is adjoined does not belong to the person himself, and is also separated from him with the employment. All personal honor is the honor of wisdom and the fear of the Lord.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 317 (original Latin 1758)

317. Sacerdotibus erit dignitas et honor propter sancta quae obeunt; sed qui sapiunt, dant honorem Domino a quo sancta, et non sibi: qui autem non sapiunt, tribuunt honorem sibi; hi illum adimunt Domino. Qui honorem tribuunt sibi propter sancta quae obeunt, illi praeferunt honorem et lucrum saluti animarum, cui consulent; qui autem honorem dant Domino et non sibi, illi praeferunt salutem animarum honori et lucro. Nullus honor alicujus functionis in persona est, sed ei adjungitur secundum dignitatem rei quam administrat; et quod adjungitur, hoc non ipsius personae est, et quoque separatur cum functione: honor in persona est honor sapientiae et timoris Domini.

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