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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第318节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 318

318. Priests are to teach the people and to lead them by means of truths to practice goodness in their lives. Priests are not to compel anyone, though, because people cannot be compelled to believe anything that contradicts what they think in their hearts to be true. People whose beliefs differ from those of the priest but who do not cause disturbances should be left in peace; but if they do cause disturbances, they should be removed [from the church]. This is part of the priesthood's responsibility to maintain order.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 318

318. Ministers should teach people the truth, and in this way lead them to live a good life. However, they should never force anyone, because people can never be forced to believe anything contrary to what they believe in their hearts to be true. Anyone who believes differently than the minister and does not cause a disturbance should be left alone. Anyone who does cause a disturbance should be kept away, since this is one part of an orderly society that the ministry is meant to take care of.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 318

318. Priests must teach the people and guide them to lead good lives. But still they must compel no one, since no one can be forced to believe what is contrary to what he thinks in his heart to be true. Anyone whose belief is different from the priest's should be left in peace, provided he does not make trouble. If he does make trouble, he should be expelled, for this too is in accordance with order for which purpose the priesthood exists.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 318

318. Priests ought to teach the people, and through truths ought to lead them to the good of life; but still they ought not to compel any one; since no one can be compelled to believe what is opposed to that which in his heart he has thought to be true. He who believes differently from the priest, and does not make any disturbances, ought to be left in peace: but he who makes disturbances, ought to be separated; for this also belongs to the order for the sake of which the priesthood is.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 318

318. Priests ought to teach the people, and to lead them by truths to the good of life, but still they ought to compel no one, since no one can be compelled to believe contrary to what he thinks from his heart to be true. He who believes otherwise than the priest, and makes no disturbance, ought to be left in peace; but he who makes disturbance, ought to be separated; for this also is of order, for the sake of which the priesthood is established.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 318 (original Latin 1758)

318. Sacerdotes populum docebunt, ac ducent per vera ad bonum vitae; sed usque nullum cogent, quoniam nullus cogi potest ad credendum contra id quod cogitavit ex corde esse verum: qui aliter credit quam sacerdos, et non turbas facit, relinquetur in pace; at qui turbas facit, separabitur; nam hoc etiam est ordinis, propter quem sacerdotium.

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