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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第319节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 319

319. As priests are officials in charge of matters of divine law and worship, so monarchs and magistrates are in charge of matters of civil law and judgment.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 319

319. Ministers are in charge of the duties that have to do with divine law and worship. In the same way, rulers and government officials are in charge of the duties that have to do with civil laws and justice.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 319

319. Just as priests are in charge of affairs concerning God's law and worship, so kings and magistrates are in charge of affairs concerning civil law and justice.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 319

319. As priests are persons in authority for administering those things which belong to Divine law and worship, so kings and magistrates are persons in authority for administering those things which belong to the civil law and judgment.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 319

319. As priests are appointed to administer those things which relate to the Divine law and worship, so kings and magistrates are appointed to administer those things which relate to civil law and judgment.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 319 (original Latin 1758)

319. Sicut sacerdotes praefecti sunt ad administrandum illa quae legis Divinae et cultus sint, ita reges et magistratus ad administrandum illa quae legis civilis et judicii sunt.

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