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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第44节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 44

44. When our inner spiritual self has been opened to heaven all the way to the Lord, we are in heaven's light and in an enlightenment that comes from the Lord, which means that we come into intelligence and wisdom. We see what is true because it is true and we perceive what is good because it is good.

On the other hand, when our inner spiritual self has been closed we are not aware that our spiritual self exists, let alone aware of what that spiritual self is. We do not believe that there is anything divine, either, or that there is a life after death, so we do not believe anything that has to do with heaven or the church. Since we are solely in the light of this world and its enlightenment, we believe that nature is God, what is false looks true to us, and what is evil is perceived as good.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 44

44. If our inner spiritual self is opened to the Lord in heaven, we are in heaven’s light. We are enlightened by the Lord, and we have understanding and wisdom. We see what is true because it is true, and recognize what is good because it is good. But if our inner spiritual self is closed, we do not even know our inner self exists, let alone what it is. We do not believe that the divine exists, or that there is a life after death. So we do not believe anything that has to do with heaven or religion. Since we are only in the world’s light and its glare, we believe in matter as the divine, see falsity as truth, and recognize evil as goodness.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 44

44. Those whose internal spiritual man is opened up heaven-wards to the Lord enjoy the light of heaven and illumination from the Lord, so that they are intelligent and wise. These people see truth because it is true, and perceive good because it is good. But those who have the spiritual internal man closed off are unaware that an internal man exists, not to mention what the internal man is. Nor do they believe in the existence of the Deity, nor of life after death, nor therefore matters to do with heaven and the church. Because they rely solely on the world's light and the illumination it gives, they believe in Nature as a deity, and they see falsity as truth and perceive evil as good.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 44

44. Those with whom the internal, spiritual man has been opened into heaven to the Lord, are in the light of heaven, and in enlightenment from the Lord, and from this they are in intelligence and wisdom: they see truth because it is true, and perceive good because it is good. But those with whom the internal, spiritual man has been closed, do not know that there is an internal man, still less what the internal man is; neither do they believe that the Divine is, nor that there is a life after death; nor therefore, in those things which belong to Heaven and the Church. And because they are only in the light of the world, and in illumination from it, they believe in nature as being the Divine, they look upon the false as true, and perceive evil as good.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 44

44. They with whom the internal spiritual man is opened into heaven to the Lord, are in the light of heaven, and in enlightenment from the Lord, and thence in intelligence and wisdom; these see truth because it is truth, and perceive good because it is good. But they with whom the internal spiritual man is closed, do not know that there is an internal man, and much less what the internal man is; neither do they believe that there is the Divine, nor that there is a life after death; consequently they do not believe the things which are of heaven and of the church. And because they are only in the light of the world and in the enlightenment thence, they believe in nature as the Divine, they see falsity as truth, and they perceive evil as good.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 44 (original Latin 1758)

44. Illi apud quos internus spiritualis homo apertus est in caelum ad Dominum, in luce caeli sunt, et in illuminatione a Domino, et inde in intelligentia et sapientia; hi vident verum quia verum, et percipiunt bonum quia bonum Illi autem apud quos internus spiritualis homo clausus est, non sciunt quod internus homo sit, minus quid internus homo; nec credunt quod Divinum sit, nec quod vita post mortem, ita nec illa quae caeli et ecclesiae sunt: et quia solum in luce mundi sunt, et in illuminatione inde, credunt Naturam ut Divinum, vident falsum ut verum, et percipiunt malum ut bonum.

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