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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第43节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 43

43. The Lord has foreseen and arranged matters in such a way that the more we derive our thoughts and intentions from heaven, the more our inner spiritual self opens and takes shape. This is an opening to heaven all the way to the Lord, and a taking shape in accord with the priorities of heaven. In direct contrast, the more we derive our thoughts and intentions not from heaven but from the world, the more our inner spiritual self closes and our outer self opens. This is an opening to the world and a taking shape in accord with the priorities of this world.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 43

43. The Lord provides and arranges that the more our thinking and motivation come from heaven, the more our inner spiritual self is opened up and developed. It is opened into heaven all the way up to the Lord, and developed in harmony with the things that exist in heaven. On the other hand, the more our thinking and motivation come from the world and not from heaven, the more our inner spiritual self is closed, and our outer self is opened. It is opened in the world and developed so that it will be appropriate to the things that exist in the world.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 43

43. It is a rule of the Lord's providence and order that the more a person's thinking and willing comes from heaven, the more the spiritual internal man is opened up and developed. This opening leads into heaven, even as far as the Lord, and the development is in accordance with heaven's principles. But in the opposite case, the more a person's thinking and willing comes, not from heaven, but from the world, the more his spiritual internal man is closed off and the external is opened up. This opening leads to the world, and the development is in the direction of worldly matters.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 43

43. It has been so provided and ordered by the Lord, that in so far as a man thinks and wills from heaven, his internal spiritual man is opened and formed: the opening is into heaven, even to the Lord; and the formation is according to those things which are of heaven. On the other hand, however, in so far as a man does not think and will from heaven, but from the world, his internal, spiritual man is closed, and his external man is opened; and the opening is into the world, and the formation is according to the things which are of the world.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 43

43. It is so provided and ordered by the Lord, that so far as man thinks and wills from heaven, so far the internal spiritual man is opened and formed. It is opened into heaven even to the Lord, and the formation is according to those things which are of heaven. But, on the contrary, so far as man does not think and will from heaven, but from the world, so far the internal spiritual man is closed, and the external is opened. The opening is into the world, and the formation is to those things which are of the world.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 43 (original Latin 1758)

43. Ita provisum et ordinatum est a Domino, ut quantum homo ex caelo cogitat et vult, tantum aperiatur et formetur internus spiritualis homo; aperitio est in caelum usque ad Dominum, et formatio est secundum illa quae caeli sunt: vice versa autem, quantum homo non ex caelo sed ex mundo cogitat et vult, tantum clauditur internus spiritualis homo, et externus aperitur; aperitio est in mundum, et formatio est ad illa quae mundi sunt.

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