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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第58节






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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 58

58. All the pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness we feel comes from and accords with what we love above all. We call whatever we love a pleasure because that is how it feels to us. While we can also call something a pleasure that we think about but do not love, that kind of pleasure is not alive for us.

What we see as good is what is pleasing to our love, and what we see as evil is what is displeasing to our love.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 58

58. All our enjoyment, pleasure, and happiness come from our primary love, and are in harmony with it. Whatever we love, we think of as enjoyable, because that is the way it feels to us. We may say we enjoy something that we believe in but do not love, but it is not the real enjoyment of our life. The enjoyment that comes from what we love is what we consider to be good. Whatever we do not enjoy we think of as bad.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 58

58. Everyone's pleasure, bliss and happiness come from his dominant love and are characterised by it. One calls pleasant what one loves, for that is what one feels. One may, however, call pleasant what one thinks about and does not love, but it is not the pleasure of one's life. It is what pleases his love which is anyone's good, and what displeases it which is his evil.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 58

58. Every feeling of delight, satisfaction, and happiness is derived to everyone from his ruling love, and is according to it, for what a man loves he calls delightful, because he feels it; but what he thinks, and does not love, that also he may, indeed, call delightful, but it is not the delight of his life. The delight of love is what in a man's estimation is good; but what is undelightful he deems evil.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 58

58. All the delight, pleasure, and happiness which anyone has, are derived from his ruling love, and are according to it; for that which man loves, he calls delightful, because he feels it to be so: he may, indeed, also call that delightful which he thinks but does not love; but this is not the delight of his life. The delight of love is what he esteems good; and that which is undelightful is to him evil.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 58 (original Latin 1758)

58. Omne jucundum, faustum et felix est cuivis ex amore ejus dominante, et secundum illum; homo enim id jucundum dicit quod amat, quia sentit; quod autem cogitat et non amat, hoc quoque jucundum dicere potest, sed non est jucundum vitae ejus. Jucundum amoris est quod homini est bonum, ac injucundum quod ei est malum.

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