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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第59节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 59

59. There are two kinds of love that generate all that is good and true, and two kinds of love that generate all that is evil and false. The two kinds of love that are the source of everything good and true are love for the Lord and love for our neighbor; the two kinds of love that are the source of everything evil and false are love for ourselves and love for this world.

The latter two kinds of love are the exact opposites of the former two kinds of love. 1


1. This principle-that love for oneself and the world are the opposite of love for the Lord and one's neighbor-will be qualified in New Jerusalem 97-99, where the point is made that we do need to take care of ourselves first if we are to be of any use to others. Compare the discussion in note 1 in New Jerusalem 21, and see also Secrets of Heaven 7819: "People with a goodness born of charity and faith also love themselves and worldly advantages, but only the way one loves the means to an end. " As mentioned in New Jerusalem 61, and expanded upon in True Christianity 403-405, it is when the love for oneself and the world are in control rather than serving the other two loves that they are their opposites, and become the source of everything evil and false. [GFD, LSW]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 59

59. There are two loves that everything good and true come from as if from their fountainhead. There are also two loves that everything evil and false come from. The two loves that everything good and true come from are loving the Lord and loving other people. The two loves that everything evil and false come from are selfish love and materialistic love. These two pairs of loves are totally opposed to each other.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 59

59. There are two loves from which all kinds of good and truth arise, as it were from their proper sources. There are also two loves from which all kinds of evil and falsity arise. The two loves which are the source of all kinds of good and truth are love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour; and the two loves which are the source of all kinds of evil and falsity are self-love and love of the world. These two latter loves are the complete opposite of the former two.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 59

59. There are two loves, from which, as from their very fountains, all goods and truths exist; and there are two loves, from which all evils and falsities exist. The two loves, from which all goods and truths originate, are love to the Lord, and love towards the neighbour; and the two loves, from which all evils and falsities arise, are the love of self and the love of the world. The two latter loves are diametrically opposed to the two former loves.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 59

59. There are two loves, from which, as from their very fountains, all goods and truths exist; and there are two loves, from which all evils and falsities exist. The two loves, from which are all goods and truths, are love to the Lord and love towards the neighbor; and the two loves from which are all evils and falsities, are the love of self and the love of the world. The two latter loves are in direct opposition to the two former loves.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 59 (original Latin 1758)

59. Sunt bini amores ex quibus omnia bona et vera, ut ex ipsis suis fontibus, existunt; et sunt bini amores ex quibus omnia mala et falsa. Bini amores ex quibus omnia bona et vera, sunt amor in Dominum et amor erga proximum: ac bini amores ex quibus omnia mala et falsa, sunt amor sui et amor mundi. Hi bini amores sunt illis binis amoribus prorsus oppositi.

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