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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第73节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 73

73. The kind of love we had for governing stays with us after our life in this world; but it is those who have governed out of a love for their neighbor who are entrusted with governing in the heavens. In that case, it is not in fact we ourselves who are in control but the good and useful things we do, and when good and useful actions are in control, the Lord is governing. But if in this world we have governed out of love for ourselves, then after our life in this world we are in hell and are lowly slaves.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 73

73. Our particular love of power stays with us even after our life in the world is over. If our power comes from loving other people, we are also given power in heaven. However, it is not we ourselves, but the good and useful things we love that have the power. And when goodness and usefulness have power, it is the Lord who has the power. But if our power in the world comes from selfishness, then after our life in the world we live in hell, where we are worthless slaves.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 73

73. This love of ruling remains with everyone after his life in the world. But those who have exercised rule out of love towards the neighbour have rule entrusted to them also in the heavens. But then it is not they who rule, but the services and good actions they love to do; and when services and good actions rule, the Lord rules. Those, however, who have ruled in the world out of self-love are after their life in the world in hell, and lowly slaves there.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 73

73. The love of ruling also remains with every one after his life in the world. But those who exercised rule from love towards the neighbour, are then entrusted with rule in the heavens; yet it is not they who then rule, but the uses and the goods which they love; and when these rule, the Lord rules. But those, who in the world exercised rule from the love of self, after their life in the world are in hell, where they are base slaves.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 73

73. The love of dominion also remains with everyone after his life in the world, but to those who have ruled from love toward the neighbor, rule is also entrusted in the heavens. But then they do not rule, but the uses and the goods which they love; and when uses and goods rule, the Lord rules. They, on the other hand, who in the world have ruled from the love of self, after their life in the world are in hell, and are in vile slavery there.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 73 (original Latin 1758)

73. Amor dominii manet etiam unumquemvis post vitam in mundo; sed qui dominati sunt ex amore erga proximum, illis concreditur etiam dominatio in caelis; at tunc illi non dominantur, sed usus et bona quae amant; et cum usus et bona, dominatur Dominus: qui autem in mundo dominati sunt ex amore sui, illi post vitam in, mundo sunt in inferno, et ibi vilia mancipia.

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