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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第74节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 74

74. So these points can help us recognize the characteristics of people who devote their lives to self-love, but this recognition does not depend on how they appear outwardly, whether they come across as proud or submissive. The characteristics mentioned above are in the inner self, and for most people their inner self is hidden away and their outer self is trained to pretend to love the public good and their neighbors-the very opposite of what is inside. This too is for selfish reasons. They know that everyone is deeply moved by examples of a love for the public good and for one's neighbor and that they themselves will be loved and valued to the extent that they exhibit this love. (The reason everyone is moved by such things is that heaven flows into that kind of love.)

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 74

74. From all this we can understand who is selfish. It does not matter whether someone appears conceited or self-effacing outwardly. Our selfishness is in our inner self, which we hide from most people. Our outer self learns to pretend to love other people and the common good, but inside we are just the opposite. We do this for our own advantage, knowing that love for other people and the common good deeply touches people, and that the more they see this love in us, the more they will love and appreciate us. It touches people because heaven flows into this kind of love.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 74

74. These remarks now make it possible to recognise who the people are who are in a state of self-love. It makes no difference what they are like to outward appearance, whether they are proud or submissive. For the qualities meant are in the inward man, and most people keep their inward man concealed, while the outward man is trained to put on a pretence of loving the general public and the neighbour, so as to seem the opposite of what he is. This too is for his own sake. For they know that loving the public and the neighbour makes a deep impression on everybody, and that is what makes them liked and esteemed so much. This impression is due to the inflow from heaven into that love.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 74

74. From this it is now known who are in the love of self. Still it does not depend upon their appearance in outward form, whether they are haughty or meek; for the qualities mentioned are in the interior man, and by most persons the interior man is concealed, and the exterior man is trained to counterfeit the things belonging to love of the common weal and the neighbour; and thus to put on the opposite things. This also they do for the sake of self; for they are aware that loving the common weal and the neighbour interiorly affects all, and that they are loved and esteemed in the same proportion; the reason why it affects is that heaven flows into such love.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 74

74. From these things it is now known who are in the love of self. But it matters not how they appear in outward form, whether elated or humble; for such things are in the interior man; and by most the interior man is concealed, and the exterior is instructed to feign the things which belong to love for the public and the neighbor, thus the opposite. And this is also done for the sake of self: for they know that the love of the public and the neighbor interiorly affect all, and that so far they will be loved and esteemed. The reason why that love affects all, is because heaven flows into it.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 74 (original Latin 1758)

74. Ex his nunc cognoscitur quinam in amore sui sunt. Sed non refert qualiter apparent in externa forma, si vel elati vel submissi; nam talia sunt in interiori homine, et interior homo a plerisque occultatur, ac exterior instruitur mentiri illa quae amoris publici et proximi sunt, ita contraria; et hoc quoque propter se: sciunt enim quod amare publicum et proximum interius afficiat omnes, et quod tantum amentur et aestimentur; quod afficiat, est quia caelum in illum amorem influit.

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