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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第77节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 77

77. All the same, love for the world is not so completely opposed to heavenly love as love for ourselves is, because the evils hidden within it are not as horrendous.

Love for the world takes many forms. Wealth can be loved as a means of gaining high office; a prominent position or high office can be loved for the wealth it brings; wealth can be loved because it affords us various kinds of pleasure; wealth can even be loved purely for its own sake, which is called miserliness; and so on. The goal for which we seek the wealth is called its use, and the goal or use is what determines what the love is like, since the nature of the love depends on the goal that it seeks. The other factors serve that goal as means.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 77

77. But materialism is not quite as opposed to heavenly love as selfishness is, because there are not as many bad traits hidden inside it.

There are different kinds of materialistic love. There is loving wealth because it gives higher status. There is loving status and high positions in order to gain wealth. There is loving wealth for all the enjoyable things we can buy with it in the world. There is loving wealth purely for its own sake, which is the kind of love misers have. And so on. Our goal in wanting wealth is what we want to do with the wealth. This goal or use determines what any love is like, since our love gets its quality from our underlying goal. Any other goals are just means of achieving this underlying goal.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 77

77. But the love of the world is not as fully opposed to heavenly love as is self-love, seeing that it does not have such great evils concealed in it. This is a love of many kinds. It is the love of wealth, as the means of advancement to honours. It is the love of honours and rank with the aim of procuring wealth. It is the love of wealth for various purposes which give delight in the world. It is the love of wealth merely for the sake of wealth - that is the love of misers; and so on.

The end which wealth has in view is called its purpose. It is the end in view or purpose which gives a love its quality. For a love is such as is its end in view; other things serve it as means.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 77

77. The love of the world is not opposed to heavenly love in the same degree as the love of self, because there are not concealed in it evils so great in extent. This love is manifold; there is the love of wealth in order to reach posts of honour; there is the love of posts of honor and dignities in order to gain wealth; there is the love of wealth for the sake of various uses by which men are delighted in the world; there is the love of wealth for the sake of wealth only, which love is entertained by misers; and so forth. The end which is served by wealth is called use; and from its end or use a love derives its quality. For a love is such as is the quality of the end for the sake of which it exists other things are of use to it is means.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 77

77. But the love of the world is not opposite to heavenly love in the same degree that the love of self is, inasmuch as such great evils are not concealed in it. This love is manifold: there is the love of riches as the means of obtaining honors; there is the love of honors and dignities as the means of obtaining riches; there is the love of riches for the sake of various uses with which they are delighted in the world; there is the love of riches for the sake of riches alone, which is avarice, and so on. The end for the sake of which riches are desired, is called their use, and it is the end or use from which the love derives its quality; for the quality of the love is the same as that at the end which it has in view, to which other things serve as means.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 77 (original Latin 1758)

77. Sed amor mundi non in tali gradu est oppositus amori caelesti, in quo est amor sui, quoniam non tanta mala in eo recondita sunt. Amor ille multiplex est: est amor opum, ut evehantur ad honores; est amor honorum et dignitatum, ut lucrentur opes; est amor opum propter varios usus, quibus delectantur in mundo; est amor opum propter solas opes (talis amor est avaris) et sic porro. Finis, propter quem opes, vocatur usus; ac finis seu usus est, a quo amor suum quale trahit; nam talis est amor, qualis est finis propter quem; reliqua ei serviunt ut media.

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