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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第76节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 76

76. As for love for the world, this is wanting to use any available means to divert others' resources to ourselves, setting our hearts on wealth, and letting the world distract and seduce us away from the spiritual love that is love for our neighbor, and therefore away from heaven.

If we are obsessed with diverting others' assets to ourselves by various means, especially if we use guile and trickery to do so, with no regard for our neighbor's well-being, we have devoted our lives to love for the world. When this is the love we live in, we crave what others have, and to the extent that we do not fear the law or losing our reputation, purely for the sake of our own gain we will deprive them even to the point of taking everything they have.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 76

76. “Materialism” is wanting to get other people’s property for ourselves by whatever tactics necessary, and setting our heart on riches. It is also allowing material things to pull and lead us away from spiritual love (loving other people) — in other words, away from heaven.

We are materialistic when we are bent on getting other people’s belongings for ourselves by different tactics, especially when we do it by trickery and deception. We regard other people’s well-being as unimportant. When we are absorbed in this love, we long for other people’s belongings. The less we are afraid of the law and of losing our reputation, the more we cheat them and even steal from them because of our greed.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 76

76. The love of the world, however, is wanting to direct to oneself by any device other people's wealth, setting one's heart on being rich, and allowing the world to withdraw one and lead one away from spiritual love, that is, love towards the neighbour, and so away from heaven.

Those in a state of love of the world are those who desire to direct to themselves other people's goods by various devices, especially by trickery and deceit, paying no heed to the good of the neighbour. Those who are in that state covet others' goods, and so far as they are not afraid of laws and losing their reputation for the sake of gain, they take them away from them, or rather loot them.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 76

76. The love of the world, however, consists in desiring to appropriate to one's self, by every artifice, the wealth of others; and in setting the heart on riches, and suffering one's self to be withdrawn and led away by the world from spiritual love, which is love towards the neighbour, - thus from heaven. Those are in the love of the world, who are desirous of appropriating to themselves the goods of others by various stratagems; and especially those who endeavour to do so by cunning and deceit, holding the good of the neighbour of no account. They who are in this love, covet the goods of others; and, so far as they are not afraid of the laws and of the loss of reputation in the acquisition of gain, they actually rob and even plunder others.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 76

76. But the love of the world consists in wishing to draw the wealth of others to ourselves by any artifice, in placing the heart in riches, and in suffering the world to draw us back, and lead us away from spiritual love, which is love towards the neighbor, consequently, from heaven. They are in the love of the world who desire to draw the goods of others to themselves by various artifices, especially they who do so by means of cunning and deceit, making no account of the good of the neighbor. They who are in that love covet the goods of others, and so far as they do not fear the laws and the loss of reputation for the sake of gain, they deprive others of their goods, yea commit depredations.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 76 (original Latin 1758)

76. Amor mundi autem est velle aliorum apes ad se derivare quacunque arte, ac in divitiis cor ponere, et pati ut mundus retrahat et abducat illum ab amore spirituali, qui est amor erga proximum, ita a caelo. Illi in amore mundi sunt qui cupiunt aliorum bona in se derivare per varias artes, imprimis qui per astus et dolos, nihili facientes bonum proximi. Illi qui in illo amore sunt, concupiscunt aliorum bona, et quantum non timent leges et jacturam famae propter lucrum, deprivant, immo depraedantur.

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