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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第79节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 79

79. We can see from what has now been said that all our evils are contained in and come from this pair of loves. The evils listed in 75 are basic categories; other evils not listed there are subcategories that derive and flow from them.

This shows that since we are born with these two loves we are born with evils of all kinds. 1


1. While Swedenborg maintains that "everyone is born for heaven," and "no one is born for hell" ( Heaven and Hell 329), he also says that "we are born into every type of evil, . . . so on our own we are condemned to hell" ( Secrets of Heaven 10367[3]). This concept of "hereditary evil" is based on the notion that an inclination to do evil is inherited from one's parents. It is distinct from the traditional Christian concept of original sin first articulated by Augustine (see Kelly 1960, 361-366), which is based on the notion that all humans inherit actual sin from Adam and Eve. In Swedenborg's view, humans are born inclined to do evils of every kind, and more so to commit those evils that one's parents have committed, though every human is perpetually in freedom to choose between good and evil. Despite the differentiation Swedenborg makes between hereditary evil and original sin, he does not claim that the simple fact of our being born evil is unique to his theology. For an example of a similar teaching from Lutheran confessional texts, see the following statement in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession: "It is further taught that since Adam's fall all human beings, who are naturally conceived, are born in sin. From their mother's womb they are all filled with evil desire and the inclination toward evil" (McCain, Baker, and Veith 2006, 76. 2). For more on Swedenborg's concept of hereditary evil, see Secrets of Heaven 313, 494:2; True Christianity 469, 520-521; Marriage Love 525. For a passage specifically on our being born evil, see Secrets of Heaven 987, which further cites Genesis 8:21, "The inclination of the human heart is evil from youth" (New Revised Standard Version). [RHK, KK, JSR, RS, SS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 79

79. From what I have said, we can see that every bad trait is contained in selfishness and materialism, and comes from them. The ones listed in number 75 above are the general categories. All others, which are not listed because they are individual instances, originate and flow from those. So you can see that since we are born with these two loves, we are born with every kind of bad trait in us.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 79

79. What has been stated allows it to be seen that all evils are contained in and come from those two loves. For the evils which were listed above (75) are generic. The remainder, which were not listed, because they are specific, are derived and flow from them. From this it can be established that a person has by birth evils of every kind, because he has by birth those two loves.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 79

79. From what has now been said it may be seen, that all evils are contained in those two loves, and are from them; for the evils that have been enumerated at no. 75, are general evils the rest that have not been enumerated, being particular evils: are derived, and flow from the former. From this it may appear, that, since a man is born into those two loves, he is born into evils of every kind.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 79

79. From what has now been said, it may be seen that all evils are in and from those two loves; for the evils which were enumerated (n. 75) are common; the others, which were not enumerated, because they are specific, are derived and flow from them. Hence it may appear, that man, because he is born into these two loves, is born into evils of every kind.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 79 (original Latin 1758)

79. Ex his quae nunc dicta sunt, videri potest quod in binis illis amoribus, et ex illis, sint omnia mala; nam illa mala quae enumerata sunt (75), sunt communia; reliqua, quae non enumerata sunt, quia sunt specifica, derivantur et fluunt ex illis. Inde constare potest quod homo, quia nascitur in binos illos amores, nascatur in mala omnis generis.

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