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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第75节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 75

75. The evils characteristic of people devoted to self-love are, broadly speaking, contempt for others, envy, ill will toward those who do not agree with them, a consequent hostility, and various kinds of hatred, vengefulness, guile, trickery, ruthlessness, and cruelty; and wherever we find these evils we also find a contempt for the Divine and for the truths and the good practices from the Divine that are taught by the church. If such people do pay respect to these things, it is with the mouth only and not with the heart.

Further, since self-love is the source of these evils it is also the source of corresponding falsities, since evils give rise to falsities.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 75

75. In general, these are the bad traits we have when we are selfish: disrespect for other people, jealousy, unfriendliness and hostility toward people who do not support us, various kinds of hatred, revenge, trickery, deception, lack of sympathy, and cruelty. When we have these bad traits, we have no respect for the divine or for divine goodness and truth in religion. If we do give them any respect, it is only with our mouth and not from our heart. Since these bad traits come from selfishness, we also have the false ideas that go with them, since we get our false ideas from the bad traits that we have.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 75

75. The evils exhibited by those in a state of self-love are, generally speaking, contempt for others, envy, unfriendliness to those who do not favour them, resulting in hostility, various kinds of hatred, vindictiveness, tricks, deceit, lack of pity, and cruelty. Where such evils exist, there is also contempt for the Deity and for the things of God, the truths and kinds of good the church teaches. If they do pay respect to them, it is only with the lips and not the heart. Since such evils arise from this source, so too do the like falsities, for evils are the source of falsities.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 75

75. The evils belonging to those who are in the love of self, are, in general, contempt of others, envy, enmity against those by whom they are not favoured, and hostile actions on this ground; hatreds of various kinds, revenges, cunning, deceit, mercilessness, and cruelty. Where such evils exist, there is also a contempt of the Divine, and of Divine things, namely, of the goods and truths of the Church: should they honour these things, it is done only with the lips, and not with the heart. As such evils proceed from this love, similar falsities also originate thence; for falsities proceed from evils.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 75

75. The evils which belong to those who are in the love of self, are, in general, contempt of others, envy, enmity against those who do not favor them, hostility on that account, hatreds of various kinds, revenge, cunning, deceit, unmercifulness, and cruelty; and where such evils exist, there is also contempt of the Divine, and of Divine things, which are the truths and goods of the church. If they honor these, it is only with the mouth, and not with the heart. And because such evils are thence, so there are similar falsities, for falsities are from evils.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 75 (original Latin 1758)

75. Mala quae illis sunt qui in amore sui, sunt in genere contemptus aliorum, invidia, inimicitia contra illos qui sibi non favent, hostilitas inde, odia varii generis, vindictae, astus, doli, immisericordia, et crudelitas; et ubi talia mala sunt, est etiam contemptus Divini, ac divinorum quae sunt vera et bona ecclesiae; quae si honorant, est solum ore et non corde. Et quia talia mala inde sunt, etiam sunt similia falsa, nam ex malis sunt falsa.

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