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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第89节






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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 89

89. The fact that love is what makes someone a neighbor and that we fulfill the role of a neighbor depending on the nature of our love becomes clear in the case of people whose lives are devoted to loving themselves. Such people recognize as neighbors those who love them the most-that is, those who are most closely connected to them. These they embrace, these they kiss, these they benefit, and these they call family. In fact, because [people devoted to self-love] are evil, they consider the types of people just mentioned to be their neighbors more than others are; only if others show them love do they consider them too to be their neighbors. They accept someone else as their neighbor, then, to the extent that they receive love from that person and depending on the kind and amount of love they receive. People like this start with themselves to determine who their neighbor is because the determining and deciding factor is whatever one loves.

People who do not love themselves above all, though (and this is true of all who are in the Lord's kingdom), start in determining who their neighbor is with the One whom we should love above all-that is, with the Lord-and they consider an individual to be their neighbor depending on the love that individual has for and from the Lord.

This makes it quite clear where we of the church should start in deciding who our neighbor is and shows that people are our neighbors depending on the goodness they have from the Lord-that is, goodness itself is where we should start.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 89

89. By looking at people who are selfish, we can see very clearly that love is what determines friendship, and that people are our friends according to the kind of love they have. When we are selfish, we think of the people who love us most — those in our family — as our friends. They are the ones we hug and kiss, help, and call our brothers. In fact, if they are harmful people, we consider them to be closer friends than anyone else. We think of other people as our friends depending on the kind of love they have for us, and how much. Since it is love that causes and determines our friendships, we consider ourselves to be what determines friendship.

But when we do not love ourselves more than we love other people, we consider the one we should love more than anyone else — the Lord — to be what determines our friendships. We regard people as our friends according to the kind of love they have in them — their love for the Lord and also the love in them that comes from him. This is how everyone in the Lord’s realm lives.

It is clear from this how we should determine people’s relationship to us as friends, if we are religious: people are our friends according to the good qualities from the Lord in them. So goodness is our friend.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 89

89. A proof that love determines who is the neighbour, and each person is the neighbour as the quality of his love dictates, is to be seen in the case of those in a state of self-love. They acknowledge as the neighbour those who love them best, that is, to the extent that they are their own. They embrace them, kiss them, do good to them and call them brothers; or rather, because they are evil, they call them above others the neighbour. They regard the rest as the neighbour in proportion to their love for themselves, so in accordance with the nature and depth of their love. Such people's idea of the neighbour springs from themselves, because it is love which causes and determines it.

Those, however, who do not love themselves above others, the condition of all who belong to the Lord's kingdom, will form their idea of the neighbour from Him whom they ought to love above all, that is, from the Lord; and they will regard each person as neighbour in accordance with the nature of the love they have for Him and receive from Him. From this it is clear from what a person who belongs to the church should form his idea of the neighbour, and that each is the neighbour in accordance with the good he has from the Lord, or goodness itself.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 89

89. That it is love that causes any one to be a neighbour, and that every one is a neighbour according to the quality of his love, appears clearly from the case of those who are in the love of self. They acknowledge as a neighbour those by whom they themselves are loved most; that is, in the proportion in which they belong to them. These they embrace; these they kiss; to them they do good; and these they call brethren: nay, being evil, they call them neighbour in preference to others; the rest they acknowledge for a neighbour in proportion as they are loved by them; and thus according to the quality and extent of their love. Such persons derive the origin of the neighbour from themselves, because it is the love that causes and determines [the neighbour]. Those, on the other hand, who do not love themselves in preference to others, as is the case with all those who are of the Lord's kingdom, derive the origin of the neighbour from Him whom they ought to love above all things, and thus from the Lord. They also will esteem every one as a neighbour according to the quality of his love to the Lord, and from the Lord. From this it becomes plain, from whence the man of the Church ought to derive the origin of the neighbour; and that every one is a neighbour, according to the good which is from the Lord; and consequently, that good itself is the neighbour.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 89

89. That love is what causes anyone to be the neighbor, and that everyone is the neighbor according to the quality of his love, appears manifestly from those who are in the love of self. These acknowledge for their neighbor those who love them most, that is, so far as they belong to themselves; these they embrace, they kiss them, they confer benefits on them and call them brothers; yea, because they are evil, they say, that these are the neighbor more than others: they esteem others as the neighbor in proportion as they love them, thus according to the quality and quantity of their love. Such persons derive the origin of neighbor from self, by reason that love constitutes and determines it. But they who do not love themselves more than others, as is the case with all who belong to the kingdom of the Lord, will derive the origin of neighbor from Him whom they ought to love above all things, consequently, from the Lord; and they will esteem everyone as the neighbor according to the quality of his love to Him and from Him. From these things it appears from whence the origin of neighbor is to be drawn by the man of the church; and that everyone is the neighbor according to the good which he possesses from the Lord, thus good itself is the neighbor.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 89 (original Latin 1758)

89. Quod amor sit qui facit ut proximus sit et quod quisque proximus sit secundum quale amoris ejus, patet manifeste ab illis qui in amore sui sunt. Illi pro proximo agnoscunt qui se maxime amant, hoc est, quantum sunt sui; hos amplectuntur, hos osculantur, his benefaciunt, et hos fratres vocant; immo, quia mali sunt, hos dicunt proximum esse prae aliis; reliquos, sicut se amant, pro proximo habent, ita secundum quale et quantum amoris: tales a se originem proximi ducunt, ex causa quia amor facit et determinat. Illi autem qui se non amant prae aliis, quemadmodum omnes qui e regno Domini sunt, originem proximi ducent ab Ipso quem super omnia amare debent, ita a Domino; et pro proximo habebunt unumquemvis secundum quale amoris in Ipsum et ab Ipso. Ex his liquet unde origo proximi ab homine ecclesiae ducenda est; et quod quisque proximus sit secundum bonum quod a Domino, ita ipsum bonum.

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