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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第90节







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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 90

90. In fact the Lord tells us in Matthew that this is true. He said to the ones who had done good things that they had given him something to eat, given him something to drink, taken him in, clothed him, visited him, and come to him in prison, and then said that as much as they had done this to one of the least of his people, they had done it to him (Matthew 25:34-40). These six good deeds, understood spiritually, comprise all the kinds of neighbor.

This also shows that when we love doing what is good we are loving the Lord, because the Lord is the source of what is good, the one who is devoted to what is good, and the one who is goodness itself.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 90

90. The Lord was explaining this in Matthew when he told the people who did good things that they had given him something to eat and something to drink, had welcomed him, given him clothes, visited him, and come to him when he was in prison. Then he said that whenever they had done these things for one of the least important of his brothers, they had done it for him (Matthew 25:34-40). When the six kinds of goodness mentioned in this passage are understood in their spiritual meaning, they include every possible way of being a friend to people. So you can see that when we love goodness, we are loving the Lord, since the Lord is the source of goodness: he does good things, and he is goodness.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 90

90. This too the Lord teaches in Matthew; for He said to those in a state of good that they had given Him food, they had given Him drink, given Him hospitality, clothed Him, visited Him and come to Him in prison; and then that so far as they had done these things to the least of His brothers, they had done it to Him (Matthew 25:34-40). Those six good deeds understood in the spiritual sense comprise all the different kinds of neighbour. It is also plain from this that when good is loved, the Lord is loved; for it is the Lord who is the source of good, who is in a state of good and who is goodness itself.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 90

90. That such is the case, the Lord also teaches in Matthew 25:34-40; for to those who were in good He said, that "they had given Him to eat, that they had given Him to drink, that they had taken Him in, had clothed Him, had visited Him, and had come to Him when in prison;" and afterwards, that "inasmuch as they had done it to the least of His brethren, they had done it unto Him." In these six kinds of good, as understood in the spiritual sense, are included all the various kinds of the neighbour. From this, also, it is evident, that when good is loved, the Lord Himself is loved; for the Lord is He from whom good is, who is in good, and who is good itself.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 90

90. That this is the case, the Lord also teaches in Matthew:

For He said to those who were in good that they had given Him to eat, that they had given Him to drink, that they had gathered Him, had clothed Him, had visited Him, and had come to Him in prison; and afterwards that, so far as they had done it to one of the least of their brethren, they had done it unto Him (25:34-40).

In these six kinds of good, understood in the spiritual sense, are comprehended all the genera of the neighbor. Hence, likewise, it is evident, that when good is loved the Lord is loved, for it is the Lord from whom good is, who is in good, and who is good itself.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 90 (original Latin 1758)

90. Quod ita sit, etiam Dominus docet apud Matthaeum;

Dixit enim illis qui in bono fuerunt, quod dederint Ipsi quod ederet, quod illi potaverint Ipsum, collegerint Ipsum, induerint Ipsum, visitaverint Ipsum, et in carcere venerint ad Ipsum: et dein, quod quantum fecerint uni ex fratribus suis minimis, Ipsi fecerint (Matthaeus 25:34-40).

In illis sex bonis in spirituali sensu intellectis comprehenduntur omnia genera proximi. Inde etiam patet quod, cum amatur bonum, ametur Dominus, Dominus enim est a quo bonum, qui in bono, et qui ipsum bonum.

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