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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第94节




94、教会是比我们的国家等级更高的友邻,因为关心教会的人就关心他同胞的灵魂和永生。 这意味着,人若出于爱而供养教会,他就在更高等级上爱友邻,因为他期盼并力促他人进入天堂,享有永恒的幸福生活。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 94

94. The church is our neighbor to a greater extent than our country is because if we care for the church we are caring for the souls and the eternal life of the people of our country. This means that if we care for the church out of love we are loving our neighbor on a higher level because we are longing and striving for others to reach heaven and have happy lives forever.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 94

94. Religion is our friend at a higher level than our country because when we care about religion, we are caring about the souls and the eternal life of our country’s people. So when we care about religion out of love, we are loving other people at a higher level, since our wish and motivation is for other people to find heaven and the happiness of life forever.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 94

94. The church is more the neighbour than one's country, because anyone who cares for the church cares for the souls and everlasting life of the people of his country. So anyone who cares for the church out of love loves the neighbour in a higher degree, since heaven and happiness of life for ever is what he seeks and wants for others.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 94

94. The Church is a neighbour more than one's country; for he who takes care of the Church, takes care of the souls, and the eternal life of the men who are in a country. Whoever, therefore, out of love, takes care of the Church, loves the neighbour in a higher degree; for heaven and happiness of life to eternity are desired and willed by him for others.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 94

94. The church is the neighbor more than our country, for he who has regard for the church, has regard for the souls and eternal life of the men who are in his country; wherefore he who provides for the church from love, loves the neighbor in a higher degree, for he wishes and wills heaven and happiness of life to eternity to others.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 94 (original Latin 1758)

94. Ecclesia est proximus prae patria, nam qui consulit ecclesiae, consulit animabus et vitae aeternae hominum qui in patria; quare qui consulit ecclesiae ex amore, is amat proximum in superiori gradu, nam is caelum et felicitatem vitae in aeternum aliis optat et vult.

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