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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第93节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 93

93. Our country is our neighbor to a greater extent than our community is because it is a kind of parent. It is where we were born; it nourishes us and protects us from harm.

We should do good to our country out of love according to its needs, which focus particularly on its being sustained and on the civil life and the spiritual life of the people who live in it.

If we love our country and do what is good for it with goodwill, then in the other life we love the Lord's kingdom because there the Lord's kingdom is our country. Further, anyone who loves the Lord's kingdom loves the Lord because the Lord is everything to all of his kingdom.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 93

93. Our country is our friend at a higher level than our community because it is like a parent to us. We are born in it, and it supports us and protects us from attacks. We should do good things for our country out of love, according to what it needs. This especially involves its means of support, and the political and spiritual life of its people.

If we love our country and do good things for it because we wish well toward it, then in the other life we will love the Lord’s realm, since the Lord’s realm is our country there. When we love the Lord’s realm, we love the Lord, since the Lord is completely involved in everything in his realm.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 93

93. One's country is more the neighbour than a community, because it is a kind of parent. It is there a person is born; one's country feeds one and protects one from harm. Good should be done to one's country out of love in accordance with its needs. These are principally concerned with its food supplies and the secular and spiritual life of its inhabitants. Anyone who loves his country, and does it good out of goodwill, in the other life loves the Lord's kingdom, for there the Lord's kingdom is his country. Anyone who loves the Lord's kingdom loves the Lord, because the Lord is the all-in-all of His kingdom.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 93

93. One's country is a neighbour more than a society, because it is like a parent; for in it a man is born, and by it he is fed, and protected from wrongs. Good ought to be done to one's country from love according to its needs, which chiefly concern its sustenance, and the civil and spiritual life of those who are in it. When he who loves his country, and who on account of willing well towards it, does good to it, comes in to the other life, he loves the Lord's kingdom; for there the Lord's kingdom is his country; and he who loves the Lord's kingdom, loves the Lord: for the Lord is the all in all of His kingdom.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 93

93. Our country is the neighbor more than a society, because it is like a parent; for a man is born therein, and it nourishes and protects him from injuries. Good is to be done to our country from love according to its necessities, which principally regard its sustenance, and the civil and spiritual life of those therein. He who loves his country, and does good to it from good will, in the other life loves the Lord's kingdom, for there the Lord's kingdom is his country, and he who loves the Lord's kingdom loves the Lord, because the Lord is the all in all things of His kingdom.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 93 (original Latin 1758)

93. Patria est proximus prae societate, quia parentis instar est; ibi enim homo natus est, illum nutrit, et ab injuriis tutatur. Patriae ex amore benefaciendum est secundum necessitates ejus, quae imprimis spectant ejus victum, et eorum qui ibi sunt vitam civilem, et vitam spiritualem. Qui amat patriam, et ei ex benevelle benefacit, is in altera vita amat regnum Domini, nam ibi est regnum Domini ei patria; et qui amat regnum Domini, is amat Dominum, quia Dominus est omne in omnibus sui regni.

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