100. [The index refers also to nos. 101 and 101 1/2.]
Demons and evil spirits arouse and bring out in a person the things that agree with their own nature. They skillfully take away words, and the meaning of words. [Nature; Spirit; Words, Expressions]
Genii and evil spirits excite and call forth those things in man which are in agreement with their nature, and then cleverly take away words and the meaning of the words. (Natura, Spiritus, Vox.)
100. Quod genii et spiritus mali excitent ea in homine, quae suae naturae congruunt; et sic auferunt voces et sensum vocum solerter; [n. 100, [101] [Natura, Naturalia]
Genii et spiritus excitant et evocant ea in homine, quae suae naturae congruunt, n. 100, 101. Auferunt voces et sensum vocum solerter, n. 100, 101. [Spiritus]
Quod genii et spiritus mali auferant voces, et sensum vocum solerter; [n. 100, [101] [Vox] [Vide etiam 101.]