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《灵界经历》 第99节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 99

99. The inward level of meaning in the Word cannot be seen at all unless the meaning of the letter is almost blotted out. This applies also in other things, as in philosophical material, when the mind dwells on the words by themselves, as on trivialities; or when a person is absorbed in outer and physical objects. A like principle applies when it comes to the more inward level of meaning. See also Knowledge, Wisdom, Learned, Preach. [Word; Inward; Philosophy; Outer]

When the mind dwells on the words by themselves, the inward meaning does not show itself. See Inward. [Words, Expressions]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 99


The interior sense of the Word can by no means be perceived unless the sense of the letter is as it were obliterated. This is the case also in other things, as in philosophical matters, when the mind inheres in words alone, as in dust, their interior meaning does not appear; so also when man sticks in external or corporeal objects. The case is similar as regards the still more interior sense. (Externa, Interiora, Philosophia, Verbum, Vox.)

Experientiae Spirituales 99 (original Latin 1748-1764)

99. Quod sensus interior Verbi nequaquam possit percipi, nisi sensus literae quasi obliteretur; sicut etiam fit in aliis, ut in philosophicis, cum mens inhaeret solis vocibus, ut pulveri: ita quoque dum homo est in externis seu corporeis: similiter se res habet cum sensu adhuc interiori, n. 99. [Verbum]

Quod sensus interior Verbi nequaquam possit percipi, nisi sensus literae obliteretur; sicut etiam fit in aliis, sicut in philosophicis, cum mens inhaeret solis vocibus, ut pulveri: ita quoque dum homo haeret in objectis externis; similiter se habet cum sensu adhuc interiori, n. 99. [Interiora]

Quod sensus interior Verbi non possit percipi, nisi sensus literae quasi obliteretur; sicut etiam fit in philosophicis, cum mens inhaeret solis vocibus, ut pulveri: ita quoque dum homo est in objectis externis seu corporeis: similiter se res habet cum sensu adhuc interiori, n. 99. Vide etiam Scientia, sapientia, doctus, praedicare. [Philosophia]

Quod sensus interior Verbi nequaquam possit percipi, si non sensus literae quasi obliteretur; sicut etiam fit in philosophicis, cum mens inhaeret vocibus, ut pulveri: ita quoque cum homo est in objectis externis aut corporeis: similiter se res habet cum sensu adhuc interiori, n. 99. [Externa]

Cum mens inhaeret solis vocibus, quod sensus interior non pateat, n. 99. Vide interiora. [Vox]

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