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《灵界经历》 第1038节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1038

1038. Afterwards, its vital essences follow, which cannot, I suppose, be agitated in this way before the initiament of those gyres, which are their embodiments.

1038. 1/2. A comparison can be drawn of the gyres with the [movement of] the blood cells, so that it may be clear what they are like. For cells that do not rightly fit in are hard, generally differing from the rest in shape, in size, as well as in weight, hardness, and heat. Therefore, because new blood is constantly being formed, all the globules that do not harmonize with the better blood are cast out. 1748, 26 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1038

1038. Afterwards its vital essences succeed, which, as I suppose, cannot be vexed in this way, before those gyres which are their embodiment have been inaugurated.

1038 1/2. A comparison of those gyres with the blood globules can be made so that their nature may thence be evident. For the globules which do not rightly cohere are hard, differing in general from the rest in form and determination, thus in weight, hardness, and heat. Since new blood is always being formed, all those globules which do not agree with the better blood are therefore cast out. 1748, Feb. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1038 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1038. Postea succedunt vitalia ejus, quae nequeunt, ut reor, ita vexari, antequam gyri illi inaugurati sunt, quae sunt corporaturae eorum.

1038a. Comparatio gyrorum cum sanguineis globulis institui potest, ut inde liqueat, quales sint, globuli enim qui non rite cohaerent, duri sunt, differunt a reliquis, in genere, forma 1

, determinatione, sic gravitate, duritie, calore, quare quia novus semper sanguis formatur, omnes qui non concordant cum meliore sanguine, exterminantur. 1748, 26 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has genere forma

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