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《灵界经历》 第1045节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1045

1045. Those who have indulged in pretending affection, so that it has become second nature, and also those who during their lives had devoted themselves to adulatory poetry containing nothing but verbose inventions, and thus a mixture of falsehood and truth, solely for the sake of flattering themselves and others - their smell is like vomit, like the odor that comes from the stomach after vomiting. It is a foul smell, sickening to others, that contracts the nostrils.

But there are different kinds of these. In the first place, those in general who like to pretend with complimentary words, and so play the pretender; also those who do so in writing and verse, among whom are those who like to pretend with a view to their own glory and profit. I have smelled that smell when such people as those mentioned above were present.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1045

1045. Those who have indulged solely in the study of simulation so that they have thence contracted such a disposition, also those who during their life have devoted themselves to adulatory poetry in which there is nothing but what is fictitious and wordy, and thus in which falses and truths are mixed together, if only they may flatter themselves, and others the odor of these is that of vomit, such as that of the stomach after vomiting. It is a kind of foul stench which contracts the nostrils exciting nausea in others. But there are differences among them, especially in general. There are some who want to deceive with words and praises, and so act solely as flatterers, like those who do so in writings and verses; and among them are those who desire to deceive for the sake of their own honor and gain. I perceived that stench when spirits like those just mentioned were present.

Experientiae Spirituales 1045 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1045. Qui mere studio simulatorio indulserunt, sic ut indolem inde traxerint, tum qui in vita operam dederunt poesi simulatoriae, in qua nihil nisi fictiones, verbosae, et sic ubi falsa et vera commiscentur, modo sibi aliisque adblandiantur, eorum odor est vomitalis, qualis scilicet ventriculi post vomitum, est nidor quidam teter, aliis nauseabundus, qui stringit nares. Sed eorum dantur differentiae, cumprimis in genere, qui simulare verbis et laudibus volunt, et sic agunt simulatores solum, similiter qui scriptis et carminibus, et inter eos, qui cupiunt simulare sui honoris et lucri causa, nidor iste mihi sentitus est, quum adessent similes, qui supra memorati.

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