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《灵界经历》 第105节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 105

105. Spirits and demons induce desires together with conviction, and this so diligently, that people do not know otherwise than that it comes from themselves. Sometimes they bring on a persuasion such as they themselves are not subject to, for the purpose of leading the person astray. [Desire]

Spirits and demons induce desires along with conviction, and this so diligently, that I scarcely knew otherwise than that it came from myself. Sometimes they brought on a conviction such as they themselves did not hold, for the purpose of leading [me] astray. [Conviction (Persuasion)]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 105

105. Spirits and genii induce cupidities with persuasion, and this so diligently that the man knows no otherwise than that it is from himself. 1Sometimes, for the sake of seducing him, they induce a persuasion other than that in which they themselves are. (Cupiditas, Persuasio.)


1. Under Pertuasio, the reading is: "Spirits and genii induce cupidities with persuasion, and this so diligently, that I hardly knew otherwise than that it was from myself."

Experientiae Spirituales 105 (original Latin 1748-1764)

105. Quod spiritus et genii inducant cupiditates cum persuasione, ita industrie, ut homo nequicquam sciat aliter ac quod ex semet, quandoque persuasionem talem, in qua non sunt, seducendi causa, n. 105. [Cupiditas]

Quod spiritus et genii inducant cupiditates cum persuasione, ita industrie, ut vix aliter noverim, quam quod ex memet, quandoque persuasionem talem, in qua non ii sunt, seducendi causa, n. 105. [Persuasio]

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