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《灵界经历》 第104节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 104

104. Spirits are brought into company with each other, according to their own nature and character, to the point where they are societies. See also Form. [Spirit; Nature; Society (Consociation); Character; Person on earth]

Evil spirits want especially to control people, and when this is not allowed, after fighting over them, they go away. [Person on earth]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 104


That spirits 1are consociated together according to their natures and dispositions, so that there may be consociations. (Indoles, Natura, Societas, Spiritus.)

Evil spirits especially want to rule man; when this is not permitted, after a fight over him, they depart. (Homo.)


1. Under Indoles, the reading is "men".

Experientiae Spirituales 104 (original Latin 1748-1764)

104. Quod consocientur spiritus secundum naturas suas, et indoles, adeo ut sint consociationes, n. 104. [Spiritus]

Quod consocientur spiritus secundum naturas suas et indoles, ita quod sint consociationes, n. 104. [Natura, Naturalia]

Quod consocientur spiritus secundum naturas suas et indoles, ita ut sint consociationes, n. 104. [Societas]

Quod consocientur spiritus 1

secundum naturas et indoles, ita ut sint 2

consociationes, n. 104. Vide etiam forma. [Indoles]

Spiritus mali, imprimis regere volunt hominem, quod cum non ermittitur, post pugnam de eo, abeunt, n. 104. [Homo]


1. The Manuscript has homines

2. The Manuscript has sin

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