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《灵界经历》 第1053节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1053

1053. Earthly, reasoned knowledge ought to be completely submissive toward very inward things

This fact is made clear by a single example, namely, that the human body with all its members, viscera, organs, has been built in accordance with all of nature's arts and sciences, indeed, the deepest secrets of all the sciences, however many there are, or can be: and all and every one of these parts are entirely submissive to the soul and to the will, so that they know nothing else than obeying and serving.

If this is true of the body, and yet the body is something to be valued as nothing-that will die, will become a corpse-then what are the learned sciences but nothing in comparison with those within the body! 1748, 27 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1053


This fact is declared by one single instance, namely, that the human body with all its members, viscera and organs is so constructed according to all the arts and sciences of nature - even the most hidden things of all the sciences however many they are or ever can be - and all and each of them are entirely subservient to the soul and the will, so that they only know how to comply and serve. This is true of the body; and yet the body is such that it is to be esteemed as of no value, something that will die, thus as a corpse. What, then, are the sciences which are brought forth, for they are as nothing compared with the things in the body! 1748, Feb. 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 1053 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1053. Quod rationalia scientifica, naturalia {a}, prorsus obsequiosa esse debeant intimioribus

Hoc solum unico documento declaratur, nempe quod corpus humanum cum omnibus suis membris, visceribus, organis ita compositum sit ad omnes naturae artes, scientias, imo arcanissima omnium scientiarum, quotcunque sunt, et usquam 1

esse possint, et haec omnia et singula obsequiosissima sunt animae, et voluntati, sic ut non sciant, quam obsequi et servire, hoc in corpore, et usque corpus tale est, ut pro nihilo aestimandum, moriturum, fiet cadaver; quid non scientiae addoctae, quae nihili sunt respective ad ea in corpore! 1748, 27 Febr.


1. nisi legeris usque

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