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《灵界经历》 第1055节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1055

1055. All knowledge is spiritual food, but its quality is known from the purpose [for which it is sought]

All spirits hunger and thirst, so to speak, to know things, or to imbibe knowledge, which is to them as food and nourishment; but especially that knowledge which suited to their character. For spirits are for the most part curious, wanting to know everything that meets their senses. In fact, when anything is withheld or hidden from them, they are indignant, even grow angry, and seek assiduously and anxiously to ferret it out. When they have an abundance of knowledge, it keeps their lives enjoyable, though they do not realize this as good spirits do.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1055


All spirits have as it were a hunger and thirst for knowing, or for drawing forth cognitions which are as food and nourishment to them, especially for those cognitions which are in agreement with their genius. For spirits are for the most part inquisitive, so that they desire to know about anything which comes to their senses. Indeed, when anything is withdrawn or concealed from them they are indignant, even angry, and with care and anxiety endeavor to investigate it. They are also held in the enjoyment of their life when they have an abundance of cognitions, although they do not know this, as good spirits do.

Experientiae Spirituales 1055 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1055. Omnes cognitiones sunt cibi spirituales, sed quales sunt, ex fine cognoscitur

Omnes spiritus quasi esuriunt et sitiunt scire, seu haurire cognitiones, quae sunt eorum quasi cibi et nutritiones, sed eas cognitiones imprimis, quae conveniunt eorum genio, sunt enim utplurimum curiosi, sic ut quicquid objicitur sensui, id scire cupiunt, imo dum aliquid iis subducitur seu occultatur, indignantur, imo irascuntur, et cum cura et anxietate ea indagare student, tenentur etiam in quadam jucunditate vitae suae, dum in cognitionum abundantia, quamvis id non sciunt, ut boni spiritus.

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