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《灵界经历》 第1073节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1073

1073. Evil spirits forced him, by the method of dismemberment, first to the province of the generative members, afterwards lower and lower down. Especially the regions of his mouth, of his gums, were severely torn apart, then that of his head, and indeed, so severely that he was miserably torn to pieces. He was driven into back-and-forth vibrations, then into spiral motions, the usual ones, but always with resistance on his part every least interval and moment.

Resistance was rendered constantly, causing the pain to increase, and meanwhile, nothing was detracted from his mental clarity, so he could think just as well as he could outside of the punishment; hence the feeling of pain. Neither was he given the ability to say something contrary to his true feeling, so he could not attempt to deceive by falsehoods.

Moreover, he was not permitted to go to his knees too quickly, that is, to come around and repent because of the punishment; but to struggle the more obstinately, and feel [the pain] by degrees, so that the punishment would last longer. Thus this dismemberment process differed from other punishments inflicted by this method. They are varied according to the character and nature of the evil acquired.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1073

1073. He was assailed by evil spirits by a kind of tearing to pieces; first near the province of the members of generation; afterwards more and more downwards. The parts were grievously torn asunder, especially in the region of his mouth and gums, and thus of his head, and indeed so severely that he was miserably lacerated. There was a compulsion into reciprocal vibrations, then into the usual gyres, but always with resistance on his part every least interval and moment. The resistance is induced continually, whence the suffering is increased. And meanwhile nothing is taken away from his intellectual perception, so that he can perceive in like manner as when not being punished. Hence the feeling of suffering. Nor was he given the opportunity of saying anything that he did not feel, so that he could not attempt to deceive by falsities. Moreover, he was not permitted to supplicate too quickly, that is, to repent and be penitent on account of the punishment, but he acted more obstinately, and felt this punishment sensibly, that it might last the longer. Thus this tearing apart was different from other punishments of this kind, for they are varied according to the disposition or nature of the evil contracted.

Experientiae Spirituales 1073 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1073. Agebatur a spiritibus malis per modum discerptionis, primum ad provinciam membrorum generationis, postea inferius magis magisque, discerpebantur graviter cumprimis ejus regio oris, gingivarum, sic capitis, et quidem graviter, sic ut dilaceraretur misere, erat adactio in reciprocas vibrationes, tunc in gyros, solitos, sed semper cum renisu ejus, in quovis interstitiolo et momento, inditus est jugi {a} renisus, inde auctus dolor, ac interea nihil ei auferebatur a perceptione intellectuali, sic ut similiter percipere posset, ac extra punitionem, inde sensus doloris; tum quoque nec dabatur ei copia aliquid dicere quod non sentiret, sic ut non potuisset conari fallere per falsitates; praeterea etiam nec permittebatur, ut supplicium ageret ocius, hoc est, quod resipisceret, et ex supplicio poeniteret, sed [quod] obnixius 1

ageret, et sentiret, et hoc sensim, ut supplicium diutius duraret; ita haec discerptio variabatur a discerptionum poenis aliis, variantur sic secundum indolem seu naturam mali attractam.


1. The Manuscript has obnixus manu B. Chastanier in obnixius mutatum

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