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《灵界经历》 第1100节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1100

1100. Moreover, the heavenly beings, by means of spirits, also smell an aromatic odor, as when a corpse is embalmed, which I, too, was allowed to smell clearly, in fact on two occasions. This happens because the heavenly [angels] are there. At that time not a cadaverous odor is smelled, but an aromatic one, nor do evil demons dare to come near, still less spirits. There was even an odor like that of human dung, and yet it was not an unpleasant one, for the same reason, namely, that the heavenly beings are there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1100

1100. Moreover, the celestial, by means of spirits, are likewise sensible of an aromatic odor, as when a dead body is embalmed. It has also been granted me manifestly to sensate this on two occasions. This happens because the celestial are present, for what is cadaverous is not then sensated, but something aromatic, so that evil genii dare not approach, still less spirits. There is also sensated an odor as of human excrement, but yet it is not unpleasant for the same reason, namely, that the celestial are present.

Experientiae Spirituales 1100 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1100. Coelestes quoque mediis spiritibus sentiunt quoque odorem aromaticum, sicut dum cadaver conditur, quod quoque manifeste sentire mihi datum est, et quidem bis, quod fit quia coelestes adsunt, tunc cadaverosum non sentitur, sed aromaticum, sic nec mali genii audent approximare, minus spiritus, praeterea etiam sentitus est odor sicut fimi humani, sed usque non injucundus, ex simili causa, quod coelestes adsint.

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