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《灵界经历》 第1122节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1122

1122. Likewise in the grand body, the Kingdom of God the Messiah, in spiritual and heavenly beings: whatever one of them needs for a use, those nearest, then those farther away, even those farthest away, consequently, the whole, join together in varying and manifold ways to supply it. Such is the Kingdom of the Lord.

1122. 1/2.

Just as the whole and the individual parts join to promote the correction and improvement of each, following the order continually and forever laid down by the Lord, so they do to promote each one's happiness. But how these things take place, books by the volumes would not be enough to describe; nevertheless it is the everlasting truth. This [was written] in front of spirits and angels, quietly affirming it. 1748, 2 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1122

1122. It is similar in the Grand Body, or Kingdom of God Messiah, in regard to spiritual and celestial things. Whatever one of its members requires for use those nearest, and those more remote, even the most remote, and thus the whole kingdom, concur in various and manifold ways [to supply]. Such is the Kingdom of the Lord.

1122 1/2. Just as the whole and the single parts concur for the amendment and betterment of each one, according to the order continuously and constantly established by the Lord, so also do they concur for the happiness of each. But stacks of books would not suffice to describe in what manner these things are effected; still it is an eternal verify. This [was written] in the presence of spirits and angels who tacitly affirmed it. 1748, Mar. 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 1122 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1122. Similiter in corpore maximo, seu Regno Dei Messiae, in spiritualibus et coelestibus, quodcunque in usum requiret unus eorum, variis et multiplicibus modis proximi, et sic remotiores, imo remotissimi, proinde universum concurrunt, tale est Regnum Domini.

1122a. Sicut ad ejus emendationem seu meliorationem, universum et singula concurrent, secundum ordinem a Domino continue et jugiter stabilitum, ita 1

quoque ad felicitatem cujusvis: sed quomodo haec fiant, non sufficiunt volumina librorum, sed usque veritas est aeterna. Hoc coram spiritibus et angelis, tacite affirmantibus. 1748, 2 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has stabilitum; ita

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