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《灵界经历》 第1121节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1121

1121. Everything whatsoever in the whole body serves a use to the least part

It is still a secret lying hidden within the human body, that whatever any internal organ or part of an organ, even the smallest part, requires for its nourishment and thus conservation, it gets from the whole body. It gets [what it needs] both in the fluids, that is, the blood stream, and in the non-fluids, which must jointly come to its aid, from near and far.

Thus the whole exists for the least parts, wherever they may be in the body; and the least parts do not regard anything as their own, but for the common cause when some other part requires it for that use. This is a secret in the animate body, but it comes to light in innumerable things, and it can be demonstrated, because it is true.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1121


In regard to the human body this arcanum as yet lies hidden, that whatever any viscus, or part of a viscus even the least part requires for its nutrition and thus conservation, it derives from the whole body, both in the fluids, that is in the mass of the blood, and in the nonfluids, which must [concur] in affording assistance proximately and more remotely, so that the whole may be for the benefit of the single parts wherever they may be in the body. The single parts also may not regard anything as their own, but as being for the common good when any other part demands it for its use. This is an arcanum in regard to the animate body; but it can be made evident and demonstrated by innumerable things, because it is true.

Experientiae Spirituales 1121 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1121. Quod quicquid in universo corpore sit, ad singularium usum serviat

In corpore humano hoc ut arcanum adhuc, latet, quod quicquid aliquod viscus, aut pars visceris etiam minima requirat ad sui nutritionem, et sic conservationem, ab universo corpore habeat, tam in fluidis, nempe in massa sanguinis, quam in non fluidis, quae ad auxilium ferendum, proxime, ac remotius [concurrere] 1

debent, sic ut universum sit pro singulis, ubicunque in corpore sunt, et singula nihil ut suum aestiment, sed in rem communem, cum aliud id poscit, pro usu, hoc arcanum est in corpore animato, sed innumeris potest constare, et demonstrari quia verum.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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