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《灵界经历》 第1124节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1124

1124. When those who are only speaking spirits wanted to copy those who only think, however, they were not able. All their thought is on the language, both when they are talking and when they are hearing others talking. They made an attempt to think, and not to speak, that is, to do as the spirits of the planet Jupiter, but they were not able. Their thought came out in a kind of murmur.

1124. 1/2fff1

In addition, there are those who both think and speak, but when the speaking disagrees with the thinking, this is quite clearly noticed in every single word and every single sound. Disagreements between thoughts and speech that became habitual in the life of the body are so conspicuously exposed by spirits that they are aware of them at once, from every sound of the voice. As a result, they are thrown out of the companies of good spirits and they under-go heavy punishments, of long duration. For no disagreement between thought and speaking can be tolerated in the heaven of good spirits, still less with angels.

Therefore the foremost need is that they be united, by various methods of torture. For it is preferable for a spirit to be completely depraved than to be self-contradictory in this manner, for therein lies deception, that he tries to fool a companion for his own benefit, or for the sake of profit. They are permitted at times to slip into circles of good spirits, even of angels, but they are quickly ejected from them like foam, and punished. 1748, 2 March. This is how the evil are reduced to their own falsities, and purged, so that there may be no contradiction within them, and they may be of one mind.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1124

1124. But when the spirits who only talk wanted to emulate those who only think, they could not do so, because all their thought is in the speech, both when they are speaking and when they hear others speaking. They tried to think without speaking, as the spirits of the planet Jupiter do, but they could not; their thought passed off into a kind of murmur.

1125 1/2. 1Moreover, there are those who both think and speak, but when the speech differs from the thought it is very clearly perceived, even in each single word or in each single sound. The disagreements between thoughts and speech, derived from habit in the life of the body, are made so strikingly manifest by spirits that they instantly know it from each sound of the voice. Hence such spirits are cast out of the company of good spirits. Thence come grievous and long continued punishments, for nothing discordant between thought and speech can be tolerated in the heaven of good spirits, still less among the angels. Therefore it is first necessary that the thought and speech should be united by various modes of torture, since it is better that a spirit be altogether depraved than that there should be such dissent, for in such things there is deceit, that is to say, the spirit desires to deceive his companion for the sake of himself, or for the sake of gain. It is sometimes permitted such spirits to insinuate themselves into the company of upright spirits, and even of angels; but they are soon cast out thence as froth, and are punished. 1748, Mar. 2.

Hence the evil are reduced to their own falsities and are vastated, so that there may be nothing of dissent within, when the mind is one.


1. In the Latin Edition and the first English Edition this has been changed to 1124 1/2; but the manuscript has 1125 1/2, and the Index (s.v. Loquela) refers to it as such.

Experientiae Spirituales 1124 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1124. Spiritus autem qui modo loquentes sunt, dum voluerunt aemulari eos, qui solum cogitant, non potuerunt, quia omnis eorum cogitatio est in loquela, tam dum ii loquuntur, quam dum audiunt alios loquentes; expertum ab iis est, ut cogitarent, non loquerentur, nempe sicut Jovis telluris spiritus, sed non potuerunt, evasit in quoddam murmur cogitatio eorum.

1124a. 1

Praeterea sunt qui et cogitant et loquuntur, sed cum dissidet loquela a cogitatione, satis luculenter hoc percipitur, et quidem in unaquavis voce, aut in unoquovis sono, dissidentiae 2

cogitationum et loquelae, ex usu in vita corporis ductae, manifestantur tam insigniter a spiritibus, ut illico sciant ex quovis sono vocis, inde ejiciuntur e consortiis bonorum spirituum, inde supplicia gravia et longi temporis, nam nihil dissidens inter cogitationem et loquelam in spirituum bonorum coelo, minus apud angelos tolerari potest, quare primum est, ut per varios torturae modos uniantur, praestat enim ut spiritus prorsus pravus sit, quam ita dissidens, nam in his dolus est, ut nempe fallere socium cupiat sui causa, aut lucri causa; permittitur quandoque ut insinuent se consortiis spirituum proborum, imo angelorum 3

, sed mox inde ut spumae rejiciuntur, et plectuntur. 1748, 2 Martius.Inde rediguntur mali ad falsa sua, et vastantur, ut nihil dissidii sit, utque una mens.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has 1125 ; vide indicem ad Loqui, Loquela

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has dissidentia

3. The Manuscript has agelorum

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