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《灵界经历》 第1125节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1125

1125. About those who are brought into heaven first

Those who are brought into heaven must also pass through their own series of stages, progressing from one society to another. This applies both to those in the class of the spiritual and those in the class of the heavenly.

Those in the class of heavenly [souls], let in first, come into a society of serious [angels], because now, right after undergoing their chastening, they love nothing more than serious thoughts, and when other things interrupt, they reject them for the time being. Consequently, they have an extremely contented attitude, like people who love to dwell on serious matters. Those things which are joys to others they do not regard as joys, but find their own joy, or highest good, in serious meditations. Also, their meditations are focused on essentials. From these they feel obligated not to depart because they are essentials, so they do not stray from them.

These words were written with them present, and in fact also with them as the guiding agency, and from their style it is evident that their minds adhere to essentials and do not stray from them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1125


Those who are intromitted into heaven, both those in the spiritual and those in the celestial class, must also pass through their own series by progressing from one society to another. Those who are intromitted in the celestial class come at once into the society of the serious, for at that time, immediately after vastation, they love nothing more than serious thoughts; when other things interfere they still reject them, and thus they are of a very contented mind [animus], like men who love to dwell upon serious matters. The things which are joyful to others, they do not regard as joyful; but they place their joy and greatest good in serious meditations. They also fix their meditations upon essentials from which they must not turn aside, because they are essentials; thus they do not wander. These things were written when they were present and were indeed the directing means; it can thus be evident from the style that they keep their minds upon essentials and do not wander.

Experientiae Spirituales 1125 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1125. De iis qui primum intromittuntur in coelum

Qui in coelum intromittuntur, etiam transibunt suas series, progrediendo ab una societate in alteram, sic in classe spiritualium, et in coelestium; qui in coelestium classe sunt, primum intromissi in societatem seriosorum veniunt, tunc enim, seu statim post vastationem, nihil plus amant quam serias cogitationes, dum enim alia interveniunt, adhuc ea recusant, suntque animo sic maxime contento, sicut homines qui in seriis manere amant, ea 1

, quae aliis ut gaudia sunt, ii non ut gaudia aestimant, sed in seriis meditationibus suum gaudium seu bonum summum ponunt; habent etiam suas meditationes in essentialibus fixas, ab iis non discedere debent, quia essentialia sunt, sic non divagantur. Haec iis praesentibus scripta sunt, et quidem iis quoque mediis ducentibus, ex stylo sic constare potest, quod in essentialibus teneant mentes, et non divagentur.


1. The Manuscript has in iis

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