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《灵界经历》 第1128节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1128

1128. They are distinguished from other demons and spirits by causing a kind of suction or pulling in the head, even to the point that the place where the pulling or suction occurs almost hurts. The feeling of suction is as distinct as if the membranes were actually being sucked on. Whether others could stand the pain, there is room for doubt; but because I have long ago gotten used to the pulling actions of spirits and demons, indeed, to quite strong ones, I bore up under these also, without pain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1128

1128. They are distinguished from other genii and spirits in this, that they induce upon the head a kind of suction or attraction, and this is of such a nature that the place where this attraction or suction exists is almost painful. The sensation of suction is just as manifest as though the membranes were being very sensibly sucked in. There is room to doubt whether others could have endured it on account of the pain, but since I had long been accustomed to such attractions of spirits and genii, and indeed very powerful ones, I bore these also without pain.

Experientiae Spirituales 1128 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1128. Ab aliis geniis et spiritibus distincti sunt in eo, quod capiti inducant speciem suctionis, seu attractionis, et quidem talis, ut locus, ubi talis attractio seu suctio existit, fere doleat, sensus tam manifestus suctionis est, sicut assugeretur membrana, ad plenum sensum, alii an potuerint sustinere, prae dolore, ambigendi datur locus, sed quia assuefactus sum diu spirituum et geniorum attractionibus et quidem satis validis, haec quoque absque dolore sustinui.

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