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《灵界经历》 第1129节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1129

1129. The specific location of this suction is in the middle of the head, almost under the zenith; there the suction is centered. But they spread it out also toward the region of the left ear, as well as the territory of the left eye, but with a less painful sensation. Those working toward the ear are demons, those working toward the eye are spirits. They also work together, as I heard from their conversation.

These are the ones who make up the province of the chyle reservoir, which they copy by a syringe-like pull resembling that which draws the chyle from the intestines, and, to temper the chyle, draws the lymph from the other internal organs by way of the lymphatic vessels and glands. This supports my opinion that the internal organs of the body, by a kind of pulling action, draw to themselves everything that is suitable for their use, as the chyle reservoir draws the chyle and lymph.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1129

1129. The chief place where the suction is felt is in the middle part of the head almost under the zenith. The center of the suction is there, but they also spread it towards the region of the left ear and towards the sphere of the left eye, but with less sensation or pain. Those who spread it towards the ear are genii, those who do so towards the eye are spirits; they also act together, as I have heard from their speech. These are they who constitute the province of the receptaculum chyli, which they emulate by a syringe-like attraction similar to that by which the chyle is attracted from the intestines, and, for the tempering of this chyle, the lymph is attracted from the other viscera by way of the lymphatic vessels and glands. Hence I am confirmed in the opinion that the viscera of the body draw in everything that is suitable to them by a kind of attraction. It is the same in the case of the receptaculum chyli, the chyle and lymph.

Experientiae Spirituales 1129 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1129. Suctionis istius praecipuus locus est in medio capite, sub vertice coeli paene, ibi centrum suctionis, sed propagant eum quoque versus auris regionem sinistrae 1

, tum versus oculi sinistri sphaeram, sed cum minori sensu aut dolore; qui versus aurem, sunt genii, qui versus oculum sunt spiritus, etiam simul agunt, sicut audivi ex loquela eorum. Hi sunt qui cisternae chyli provinciam constituunt, quam aemulantur per similem syringicam attractionem, qua chylus ab intestinis, et lympha 2

per vasa lymphatica et glandulas a caeteris visceribus, ad chylum temperandum, attrahuntur, et inde confirmor in ea sententia, quod viscera corporis per speciem attractionis adducant in se omne id quod conveniens iis sit, ita cisterna 3

chyli, chylum {a} et lympham.


1. The Manuscript has sinistram (cf. indicem ad Auris et Chylus)

2. The Manuscript has lympa

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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