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《灵界经历》 第1137节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1137

1137. As for the inner spirits [1130], they are not evil. From some desire they do try to discover people's thoughts, but not so much their falsehoods and evils, but their good qualities. This they do so as to attract the person to be with them in their society. For they constitute that province which guides the [cerebral] spirits 1that they marry to the chyle. So they interpret all things favorably, even if they are not good, with the result that there is friendship.


1. I. e. the "animate spirits" or "the soul's spirits," being the purest substance of the blood.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1137

1137. As regards those who are internal, these are not evil. They are indeed eager to know what a man has thought, and this from a certain cupidity, but not so much his falses or evils, as his goods, in order that they may draw the man to themselves and he may be with them in their society; for they constitute that province which draws forth the spirit which they wed to the chyle. Thus they are those who put a good interpretation upon all things. Even though they be not good, the effect they have is that there is friendship.

Experientiae Spirituales 1137 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1137. Quod ad internos attinet, ii non mali sunt, cupiunt quidem cogitata hominis scire, ex quadam cupiditate, sed non ita eorum falsa aut mala, sed bona, ut sibi alliciant hominem, inque societate sit cum iis, nam provinciam constituunt eam, quae adducit spiritum quem connubant chylo, sic qui bene interpretantur omnia, tametsi non bona essent, usque efficiunt, ut amicitia sit.

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