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《灵界经历》 第1149节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1149

1149. About those who like to speak quietly, as if [whispering]

into the ear

There are spirits, who have spoken with me many times, but by murmuring, and in fact near my left ear. They were trying to speak into my ear so that no one would hear. I was allowed to tell them that that kind of whispering was not proper in heaven. It meant they had been gossips in their lifetime, watching for the faults and blemishes of others and telling on them to their comrades when no one was listening, or if in their presence, whispering into their friends' ears. They had viewed all the faults of others unfavorably, even if they were not [really] faults.

There are many such people, who watch every least move, interpreting them unfavorably. They not only have in them something deceitful in wanting to mock their friends, but they are also putting themselves above others-so they can in no way be admitted into a circle of heavenly beings. They are cast out at once, as if by their own weightiness, for such things are sensed immediately. Furthermore, such talking is heard at a greater distance, and more loudly, than outright talking. 1748, 3 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1149


There are spirits who have spoken with me many times but by muttering, and this near the left ear, so that they wanted to speak into the ear in order that no one might hear them. It was permitted me to tell them that such whispering is not fitting in heaven, for it indicates that such spirits had been whisperers in their life, that is to say, that they had observed the faults and blemishes of others, and told them to their companions when no one was listening, or if others were present spoke into the ear; also that they had seen all things wrongly, namely, they saw the blemishes of others, even though they were not blemishes. There are very many such who observe the least details and interpret them wrongly; they not only have something of deceit in themselves because they want to mock their companions, but they also prefer themselves to others. For this reason they can never be admitted into the company of the heavenly ones for they are immediately rejected therefrom as if by their own weight, for such a disposition is perceived at once. Moreover, such speech is heard at greater distances and more loudly than open speech. 1718, Mar. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 1149 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1149. De iis qui tacite volunt loqui sicut in aurem

Sunt spiritus, qui pluries mecum loquuti sunt, sed mussitando, et quidem prope aurem sinistram, sic ut vellent in aurem loqui, ut nemo audiret, quibus licebat dicere, quod non conveniat in coelo talis susurratio, nam significat, quod tales susurrones fuerint in vita, nempe quod vitia et naevos aliorum observaverint, et ea sociis suis, nemine audiente, dixerint, vel iis praesentibus in aurem, quodque sinistre omnia viderint, nempe aliorum naevos, tametsi non fuerint naevi, tales sunt plurimi, qui singula observant et sinistre interpretantur, ii non solum doli quid in se habent, quia socios volunt subsannare, tum quod se praeferant {a} aliis, quare nequaquam possunt admitti in consortium coelestium, nam inde illico suo quasi pondere, ejiciuntur 2

, nam tale illico percipitur: praeterea talis loquela longius ad distantias et sonantius auditur, quam loquela aperta. 1748, 3 artius.

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