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《灵界经历》 第1148节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1148

1148. When spirits were speaking afterwards, that is, by a speech of distinct words, it was so different that they were overcome with shame and did not dare to speak. Their mental imagery, and consequently their words, were scattered, and [their speaking] was very different from that continuous and flowing speech.

When they were then helped by angels to speak in company with the angels, then it was like a river 1rushing around them, and they were unable to follow with their own speech. So they complained that they were not speaking, or were not being allowed to speak. 1748, 3 March.


1. The word here is flumen.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1148

1148. Afterwards when spirits were speaking, their speech was divided into words, and there was such a difference that they were suffused with shame, and they did not dare to speak; moreover their ideas were quite disconnected and in consequence their words also, in this way differing from that continuity and flow. When later they were assisted by the angels, so that they might speak in consort with the angels, it was like a river which encompassed them, and they could not follow with their own speech; thus they complained that they were not speaking, or that it was not granted them to speak. 1748, Mar. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 1148 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1148. Cum spiritus postea loquerentur, nempe loquela in voces distincta, tale erat discrimen, ut pudore suffunderentur, nec ausi loqui, quod ideae tam sparsae essent, et consequenter voces, differente ita a continuitate et fluxione. Cum dein ab angelis adjuvarentur, ut loquerentur in consortio angelorum, tunc erat sicut flumen, quod circumfunderet eos, nec potuissent sequi suamet loquela, ita conquesti, quod ii non loquerentur, seu iis non concederetur loqui. 1748, 3 Martius.

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